Multilingual Open Education Resources Created to Support in Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

Ukrainian family fleeing violence

Since February 2022, the war in Ukraine has forced millions of children and families to flee their homes. Whether internally displaced or living in a neighboring country, every child deserves and needs the stability of safe, supportive, nurturing learning spaces. Teachers and caregivers, when provided with the support and care they themselves need, can help to ensure children are able to continue learning alongside new friends and with hope of peace and a brighter future ahead.

Since the start of the war, the Center for Professional Learning at Childhood Education International has engaged in dialogue with the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science, with NGO and INGO colleagues, and with teachers and teacher education and leadership networks across Ukraine and in surrounding nations receiving refugees fleeing the war. We aim to support teacher professional learning within nationally and regionally identified areas of need, including around trauma-informed practice, psychosocial support, and social and emotional learning. Our Open Education Resources (OERs) created within our Refugee Educator Academy focus on quality holistic learning for children and youth and were designed by teachers in displacement, migration, and resettlement contexts for teachers working in these challenging spaces. We have translated selected materials into Ukrainian, Polish, and Romanian based on immediate priorities voiced by partners and are making them available here for download and use. You can see more of our professional learning opportunities at

The Center for Professional Learning can provide guidance and support for use of these OER materials, including how best to contextualize the material, facilitate professional development sessions and communities of practice, assess impact and outcomes, or otherwise support teaching and learning. The Center for Professional Learning provides these fee-for-service options based on project parameters. Please contact us if you are interested in additional services to support implementation: Dr. Diana D. Woolis, Director, Center for Professional Learning,

With your support, we can broaden our catalog of contextualized OERs that aid the educators who work with Ukrainian refugee children and families.

Other Collections of Resources

Thank you for your support in sharing and implementing the knowledge contained in our OERs and the additional resources listed above. To provide further support, donate to help us increase our offerings and ensure these students and educators have as much opportunity to thrive as possible.


Alternatively, consider joining our Consultant Directory if you have skills/knowledge/experience in supporting children and families in times of crisis.