Open Educational Resources
Transforming education in displacement and crisis contexts through democratizing knowledge access, encouraging professional collaboration, and promoting quality, equity, and holistic learning.
Welcome to the Open Educational Resource (OER) Library. The library provides free professional development materials to support educators working in displacement and crisis contexts.
CE International and our network of education professionals are committed to sharing high-quality professional development materials without charge, eliminating barriers to knowledge access and enabling lifelong learning.
Use of the Resources
Resources in this library are available for educators to modify and adapt, making them customized and culturally relevant for their local context and needs. Educators are encouraged to collaborate with CE International, other educators, researchers, and students to build upon and improve the resources.
While these OERs are available for free, we ask that users adhere to the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International license that governs use of this resource and appreciate you acknowledging the Center for Professional Learning (CPL) in your training, on your course site, or wherever you make use of these resources.
CPL can provide guidance and support for use of these materials, including how best to contextualize the material, facilitate professional development, assess impact and outcomes, or otherwise support teaching and learning. To learn more about these fee-for-service options, contact Julie Kasper at
Explore the Resources
Access the resources below in Arabic, English, French, Kiswahili, Spanish, and Ukrainian. The sidebar can be used to filter by language, type of material, and/or topic. Learn more about the Open Educational Resource Library here.
العنوان: دليل التعلم المهني الشامل عالي الجودة في لبنان (QHPLL): موارد التنمية المهنية، ومجتمع الممارسة، والقيادة التعليميّة
يقدم هذا الدليل شرحًا لعمليات ونتائج مشروع التعلم المهني الشامل عالي الجودة في لبنان (QHPLL)، الذي شارك فيه أكثر من 1100 معلم من جميع أنحاء لبنان وأسفر عن إنشاء أكثر من 30 مجتمع ممارسة (CoPs) في المحافظات الثمانية.
Apprentissage professionnel holistique de qualité au Liban (QHPLL) : Ressources sur le développement professionnel, les communautés de pratique et la gestion par le corps enseignant
Ce document d’orientation détaille les processus et les objectifs du projet Quality Holistic Professional Learning in Lebanon (QHPLL). Le programme a impliqué plus de 1 100 enseignants et enseignantes à travers le Liban et a établi plus de 30 communautés de pratique (CoP) dans les huit gouvernorats du pays.
Quality Holistic Professional Learning in Lebanon (QHPLL) Guide: Professional Development, Community of Practice, and Teacher Leadership Resources
This guidance document details the processes and outcomes of the Quality Holistic Professional Learning in Lebanon (QHPLL) Project, which involved over 1,100 teachers across Lebanon and established more than 30 Communities of Practice (CoPs) in all eight of the country’s governorates.
Holistic Language Pedagogies Compendium of Resources
Created by educators from Ukraine and the United States, this compendium includes 58 holistic language activities to support English language educators who wish to enrich their teaching practice with social and emotional learning, play-based learning, asset-based pedagogies, drama-based pedagogies, & other classroom activities.
Травмообізнані: практики для вихователів і вчителів
Цей 3-годинний курс для всіх, хто працює, навчає, виховує та доглядає за дітьми дошкільного та молодшого шкільного віку в навчальних закладах та поза ними. Цей міні курс підтримає тебе у спілкуванні та роботі з дітьми, коли ваш контекст може включати стрес і травму.
Травмообізнані: Вплив травми на розвиток дітей раннього віку
Цей 5-годинний курс для всіх, хто працює, навчає, виховує та доглядає за дітьми дошкільного віку в навчальних закладах та поза ними. Цей міні курс підтримає тебе у спілкуванні та роботі з дітьми, коли ваш контекст може включати стрес і травму.
Introduction to Asset Based Pedagogies in Displacement Contexts Workshops Facilitation Guide
This manual supports the delivery of one full day workshop on implementation of asset-based pedagogical tools and activities and through sustaining safe and secure learning spaces in crisis contexts.
L’enseignement différencié dans les contextes de déplacement Guide d’animation d’ateliers
Ce manuel est destiné à soutenir la prestation de deux ateliers d’une journée complète sur le thème du soutien à l’apprentissage holistique de qualité dans des contextes de crise par la mise en œuvre d’outils et d’activités d’enseignement différencié et par le maintien d’espaces d’apprentissage sûrs et sécurisés.
When using the OERS below, we recommend contextualization, with teachers, for assuring their most effective use.
While these OERs are available for free, we ask that users adhere to the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International license that governs use of this resource. Thank you for acknowledging The Center for Professional Learning at Childhood Education International in your training, on your course site, or wherever you make use of this resource.
The Center for Professional Learning can provide guidance and support for use of these materials, including how best to contextualize the material, facilitate professional development, assess impact and outcomes, or otherwise support teaching and learning. The Center for Professional Learning provides these fee-for-service options based on project parameters. Please contact us if you are interested in additional services to support implementation: Dr. Diana D. Woolis, Director, Center for Professional Learning,