Early Childhood Development Task Force

An inclusive global network engaging in knowledge sharing and dialogue toward locally led solutions for a world in which young children with developmental delays and disabilities can thrive.

The Early Childhood Development Task Force (ECDtf) is a global network of leaders, practitioners, technical experts, service providers, advocates, and researchers who believe in the importance of early childhood development and early childhood intervention. Members bring diverse experiences as family and community members, professionals, and representatives of schools, universities, community organizations, civil society organizations, international organizations, and the private sector.  

Our vision is to ensure that young children with developmental delays and disabilities achieve their full potential.

Dialogue & Collaboration

Hosted by Childhood Education International as a free and inclusive platform, ECDtf members engage in dialogue through the sharing of information, resources, best practices, and research.

The network is a rich and dynamic resource, representing global perspectives and lived experiences from more than 70 countries across nine regions of the world, and informs locally led, innovative solutions that ensure young children with developmental delays and disabilities achieve their full potential.

Professionals, researchers, students, families, and individuals are invited to join the ECDtf.

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Why a Task Force?

When the ECDtf was founded, it was created as an early childhood task force of the Global Partnership of Children with Disabilities (GPcwd).  Although the GPcwd is no longer in existence, members of the ECDtf wanted to continue with their work to ensure that young children with developmental delays and disabilities achieve their full potential. 

 The term “task force” typically describes people coming together who are committed to do particular tasks to solve a problem. ECDtf tasks include engaging in dialogue through the sharing of information, resources, best practices, and research to solve the problem of ensuring inclusion in the early years. 

A young girl with prosthetic legs climbing on playground equipment at a park

The ECDtf aims to establish and expand high-quality inclusive services for early childhood intervention and to enhance the inclusion and equitable participation of young children and families.

ECDtf History

The ECDtf grew out of the 2012 inception of the Global Partnership on children with disabilities (GPcwd), in which stakeholders committed to addressing the challenges and opportunities inherent in early childhood development as a vital pathway toward inclusive development.

As the first wave of Task Forces began their work in Education, Nutrition, Assistive Technologies, and Humanitarian Action, it became increasingly clear that the essential and cross-cutting perspective of ECD would enhance and enrich GPcwd deliberations and actions. A survey on priorities and governance options fielded by the GPcwd Secretariat in 2013 identified strong interest and a compelling rationale for establishing an ECD Task Force. GPcwd asked a network of advocates and experts convened by the Partnership for Early Childhood Development and Disability Rights (PECDDR) to launch and coordinate this new ECD Task Force (ECDtf).

The RISE Institute, an active member of the ECDtf, served as the pro bono secretariat of ECDtf for eight years. Childhood Education International began as the host organization of the ECDtf in January 2023.