Topic: Professional Development

Apoyando a los refugiados SLIFE: estudiantes con educación formal interrumpida o limitada

*Este es un curso de CPL. Para tomar el curso, se le pedirá que cree una cuenta en una vez que haga clic en “Inscribirse”.

Este curso se desarrolló en 2017-2018. Su objetivo es apoyar a los educadores que trabajan con estudiantes con educación formal limitada o interrumpida (SLIFE), incluidos algunos estudiantes de origen refugiado.

Hay seis microcursos, o módulos, que componen este curso por los que está invitado a moverse a su gusto. No necesita completarlos en orden, ni necesita completar todos los microcursos o módulos. Seleccione entre las ofertas para crear un camino de aprendizaje que mejor apoye su aprendizaje en la práctica.

29 min 33 seg de video
35 recursos complementarios

Supporting Refugee SLIFE: Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education

*This is a CPL course. To take the course, you will be required to create an account on once you click “Enroll.”

There are six micro-courses, or modules, comprising this course which you are invited to move through as you like. You need not complete them in order, nor do you need to complete all of the micro-courses or modules. Select from the offerings to create a learning pathway that will best support your learning in practice.

29 min 33 sec of video
34 supplemental resources

Identity Development: Building Inner Strength in a Changing World

Child looking in mirror.

Identity Development Online Course-Key Topics:

  • Identity development in children
  • What does it mean for children to understand themselves?
  • Multi-layered levels of identity
  • Learning about identity through relationships
  • Adult identity development
  • How do children understand themselves?

In today’s world, young children need a strong, solid sense of who they are in order to adjust to the constant changes occurring in the world around them. Knowing themselves, being self-aware, provides children with a point of reference to understand and interact in their families, communities and society and they can draw upon their strengths to respond to challenges with resilience, an increased sense of safety which can expand feelings of hope and optimism.

Over the course of 3-5 hours, participants will gain a valuable understanding of how to support young children with a secure sense of identity that corresponds with their needs to understand themselves at various ages and stages of development. For young children to know who they are, we must try to see and understand the world through their eyes.

At the conclusion of the Identity Development online course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion from Childhood Education International (CE International). Should you experience any technical difficulties while taking this course, please send an email message to

Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Young Children

Teacher concerned for child's health and well-being

*Course is hosted on and requires the user to create a free profile to take course*

Course Topics:

  • The impact of trauma on children’s physical, cognitive, and emotional development
  • Holistic child development as it relates to well-being
  • Changes in child brain development
  • The importance of safe and secure learning environments
  • Teaching strategies that address a child’s holistic well-being.

Early childhood is a critical stage of development and lays the foundation for life. Children experience tremendous brain development between birth and 8 years old. At this age they take in new information that is critical to the formation of active neural pathways. The people and environments that surround children are highly influential at this point in their development. As a result, it is critical that they feel safe and supported in order to grow and thrive. Children of all abilities can only develop optimally if their social, emotional, and educational needs are met. Commitment to such healthy development is the focus of our Health and Well-Being Practice Area.

Over the course of 4-5 hours, course participants will gain a critically valuable understanding of the impact trauma has on a young child’s development. Participants will also learn teaching strategies that address a child’s complete physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being.