
Because leaders drive sustainable change

Effective leaders listen, guide, and motivate others to use change as a positive force to explore innovation and inspire action. They are the heart of inventive, meaningful, and sustainable change in education.

Effective education leaders know how to manage change effectively whether teaching in the classroom, leading a school, an early childhood program or an NGO, or helping to improve large scale education systems. They listen, guide, and motivate others using change as a tool to leverage innovative thinking and to inspire lasting positive reforms. Impactful leaders work with integrity and are accountable to those they serve. Most importantly, they use their skills to support equity, inclusivity, and fairness to ensure the well-being of all.

CE International assists in the development of strategic plans for education institutions or programs, creates education leadership programs or trainings, elevates original trainings and programs through accreditation and credentialing, and more. Contact us for support in these areas or click to learn more about our services.

Education Diplomacy

CE International’s unique Education Diplomacy approach will help you to navigate change sensitively and effectively. Using the tools of communication, consensus building, negotiation, collective action, and other skills of diplomacy, Education Diplomats promote collaboration on a wide range of education issues and challenges.

Furthermore, Education Diplomacy can also support transformation in early childhood development where education, health, and child protection sectors must work together to create strong ECD services and systems.

Education Diplomacy

Leadership Focus Areas

Through our Leadership Practice Area, we focus on a range of leadership and management techniques and approaches that provide research- and evidence-based interventions and solutions. Our courses and trainings have been proven to create impact.

Finding solutions to the most significant challenges in the education and health sectors requires bold and creative thinking. We help others innovate within their early childhood program, school, NGO, or Ministry by identifying, developing, sharing, and scaling up new and promising solutions.

Read the Leading Innovation in Education brief.

Inclusion means ensuring all individuals are engaged, motivated, and valued. Education leaders must ensure that all children receive an equitable and fair start in life. Inclusive leadership provides the foundation for ensuring equity in schools and all child-serving settings.

Read the Inclusive Leadership in Education brief.

Systems, or the policies, people, and processes used to implement learning experiences, are the platform through which education is delivered. For education to be delivered optimally, the education system must be continually evaluated and improved. Therefore, strengthening education systems significantly benefits leaders as they cope with the increasing complexity of education design and delivery while guiding transformative change.

Topics related to Leadership

Our focus areas in Leadership are also informed by and
integrated with various other topics including, but not limited to:

Entrepreneurial Mindsets  •  Developing a Culture of Innovation
Innovation During Disruption & Crisis  •  Collaborative Problem Solving
Design Thinking  •  Envisioning the Future of Education  •  Education for Social Impact

Innovation Self-Assessment for School & Education Organization Leaders

Individual taking assessment to gauge Transformative Leadership abilities.

To pursue effective leadership in your everyday role, it is important to examine the culture and environment of the school or education-focused organization that you lead. Our 20-question self-assessment can help identify where you excel in innovative leadership, and pinpoint what you can do to better support innovation in your school or organization.

Take the Self-Assessment

Resources for Education Leaders

CE International is at the forefront of advancing the ideas behind impactful education leadership and works diligently to provide opportunities for leaders to stimulate their creativity. We also develop and identify helpful resources that are critical to a burgeoning pool of education pioneers and innovative thinkers.

Here are a few other resources suggested by CE International to help you to continue your journey in this area:

Contact Us

How can we help you? We collaborate with partners on projects and programs and to provide trainings that deliver solutions for your challenges. Please contact us to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.