Language: English

Asset-Based Pedagogies in Education in Displacement Settings

Girl smiling in a group of other girls and women

This open, self-paced course was designed by teachers for teachers, especially those working with refugee and vulnerable learners around the world. It is intended to provide an overview of key terminology, concepts, and practices related to asset- or strength-based pedagogies. It is a continuation of the general Asset-Based Pedagogies course.

By the end of the course, you will:

● Have a working understanding of what asset-based pedagogies are and why they are important.

● Be able to identify ways in which asset-based pedagogies are particularly important in the education in displacement context.

● Apply asset-based pedagogies to your own work in displacement.

● Recognize the challenges of applying asset-based pedagogies in displacement and strategize on potential solutions.

● Assess your implementation of asset-based pedagogies.

● Engage in asset-based activities.

To Access the Resource

To access this resource, click the button below. You will be asked to share your contact information to help us guide the materials and resources we develop and report to our donors. We will never use this information to spam you, sell it to anyone else, or otherwise misuse it. All personal information collected is handled in a manner consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

It is VOLUNTARY to provide your information. If you don’t want to share your information, simply click the “X” at the top right of the form window.

Differentiated Instruction in Displacement Settings

Three boys smiling through a fence

This course is intended to give participants ideas about how to weave differentiation into their own teaching practice when working with displaced or refugee learners. It is a continuation of the general Differentiated Instruction for Quality Holistic Learning course and focuses more on how teachers can differentiate in displacement contexts and when working with refugees and other vulnerable populations.

By the end of this micro-course, you will:

● Have a working understanding of what differentiated instruction is and why it is important to learn about

● Learn strategies for differentiating in displacement contexts.

● Think of ways in which you can apply differentiation strategies in your own teaching setting.

To Access the Resource

To access this resource, click the button below. You will be asked to share your contact information to help us guide the materials and resources we develop and report to our donors. We will never use this information to spam you, sell it to anyone else, or otherwise misuse it. All personal information collected is handled in a manner consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

It is VOLUNTARY to provide your information. simply click the “X” at the top right of the form window.

Introduction to Asset-Based Pedagogies in Education in Displacement Contexts Offline Workshop

Three people looking at booklets while sitting at a shared desk

This teacher training is intended to provide ideas about how to use asset-based pedagogies into your own teaching practice when working with displaced and refugee learners.

At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
● Define the term asset based pedagogy
● Describe what asset based pedagogies are in displacement contexts
● Explain why asset based pedagogies are important
●Identify ways asset based pedagogies can be applied in the classroom
● Examine how to apply asset based pedagogies in a specific context
● Utilize a self-reflection tool and a tool for evaluating student learning

To Access the Resource

To access this resource, click the button below. You will be asked to share your contact information to help us guide the materials and resources we develop and report to our donors. We will never use this information to spam you, sell it to anyone else, or otherwise misuse it. All personal information collected is handled in a manner consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

It is VOLUNTARY to provide your information. If you don’t want to share your information, simply click the “X” at the top right of the form window.

Differentiated Instruction for Quality Holistic Learning

Girl taking a photo with camera

This is an introductory course designed to provide an overview of differentiated instruction as well as its applications in the classroom.

By the end of this micro-course, you will:

● Have a working understanding of what differentiated instruction is and why it is important to learn about.

● Be able to identify the different learning styles.

● Understand the ways in which a teacher can differentiate.

To Access the Resource

To access this resource, click the button below. You will be asked to share your contact information to help us guide the materials and resources we develop and report to our donors. We will never use this information to spam you, sell it to anyone else, or otherwise misuse it. All personal information collected is handled in a manner consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

It is VOLUNTARY to provide your information. If you don’t want to share your information, simply click the “X” at the top right of the form window.

Differentiated Instruction in Displacement Contexts Offline Workshop

Three women collaborating and writing shared notes.

This teacher training is intended to provide ideas about how to weave differentiation into your own teaching practice when working with displaced and refugee learners.

At the end of this workshop, teachers will be able to:

1. Define the term differentiated instruction and explain why it is important in general
and in displacement contexts specifically.

2. Examine ways to differentiate instruction in the classroom, including tools that
support differentiation and how assessments can guide your choices about
differentiated instruction.

3. Learn how to differentiate assessments in displacement contexts.

To Access the Resource

To access this resource, click the button below. You will be asked to share your contact information to help us guide the materials and resources we develop and report to our donors. We will never use this information to spam you, sell it to anyone else, or otherwise misuse it. All personal information collected is handled in a manner consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

It is VOLUNTARY to provide your information. If you don’t want to share your information, simply click the “X” at the top right of the form window.

Guidance Note for Establishing and Sustaining (Virtual) Communities of Practice in Displacement Contexts

Photo of four QHL teacher fellows working together on materials

This document provides an overview of the path to creating a Community of Practice (CoP) within the context of the Quality Holistic Learning (QHL) Project. It also shares recommendations, observations, and practical tips from community members.

To Access the Resource

To access this resource, click the button below. You will be asked to share your contact information to help us guide the materials and resources we develop and report to our donors. We will never use this information to spam you, sell it to anyone else, or otherwise misuse it. All personal information collected is handled in a manner consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

It is VOLUNTARY to provide your information. If you don’t want to share your information, simply click the “X” at the top right of the form window.

Digital Teacher Professional Development in Education in Displacement (EiD) Settings: Access, equity, and quality

Woman at a computer with a man with a presentation in the background

This report provides an overview of existing digital teacher professional development resources for teachers working in displacement contexts. The report focuses on the Middle East North Africa and Sub Saharan African Regions.

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To access this resource, click the button below. You will be asked to share your contact information to help us guide the materials and resources we develop and report to our donors. We will never use this information to spam you, sell it to anyone else, or otherwise misuse it. All personal information collected is handled in a manner consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

It is VOLUNTARY to provide your information. If you don’t want to share your information, simply click the “X” at the top right of the form window.

Differentiated Instruction for Quality Holistic Learning in Displacement Settings

CE International white logo on a purple background with a graphic of different colored blocks on different lines

The Differentiated Instruction for Quality Holistic Learning in Displacement Settings micro-credential helps educators differentiate their instruction and assessment to support the diversity of learners in displacement settings.

Micro-credentials are competency-based assessments of an educator’s areas of expertise. Micro-credentials are a way for teachers to personalize professional development and demonstrate their teaching competencies.

French and Arabic guidance notes are linked on the micro-credential webpage.

To Access the Resource

To access this resource, click the button below. You will be asked to share your contact information to help us guide the materials and resources we develop and report to our donors. We will never use this information to spam you, sell it to anyone else, or otherwise misuse it. All personal information collected is handled in a manner consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

It is VOLUNTARY to provide your information. If you don’t want to share your information, simply click the “X” at the top right of the form window.