As the year comes to a close, our team at Childhood Education International has been reflecting on the work we have done in 2023 to further our mission of developing and amplifying innovative solutions to education challenges that affirm children’s learning and development as the pathway to sustainable futures for all.

Below we highlight some of our recent work.

Refugee Education

Image of three people walking with bags

Refugee Education Pledges

We recently announced refugee education pledges associated with the Global Refugee Forum. We pledge to support at least 20,000 educators’ learning journeys and reach a global network of at least 15,000 child development leaders, educators, and other education leaders in the next 5 years.

Teacher smiling by a chalkboardPathways to Teaching Project

We recently launched the new Pathways to Teaching Project, which seeks to increase the diversity of the U.S. teacher workforce by supporting adults with refugee/(im)migrant backgrounds in joining the teaching profession.

Teacher in Lebanon in a professional development projectHolistic Professional Learning Across Lebanon

We have continued our work with educators in Lebanon to support working across the national education system to bolster inclusion, equity, and holistic learning for all children in Lebanon.

Teacher high-fiving a studentRefugee Educator Foundations of Practice Courses

We are continuing to offer Refugee Educator Foundations of Practice Courses for U.S.-based educators working with refugee students. These courses focus on an asset-based approach and the integration of social-emotional learning and trauma-informed practices.

Education in Emergencies

Technical Compendium for ECDiE Practitioners

CE International is working with the Play to Learn Consortium to create a technical compendium for practitioners in Early Childhood Development in Emergencies (ECDiE). The compendium will seek to provide accessible, high-quality tools and resources for practitioners in ECDiE settings.

Happy girl and boy holding handsProgramming Guidance Tool for ECDiE

We are working with the Early Childhood Development Working Group at the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) to develop a programming guidance tool for early childhood development in emergencies. The tool is intended to serve as a “toolbox” for practitioners in emergencies and crises worldwide.

Smiling teacher with high school studnetsCo-Learning Journey for Ukrainian and U.S. Educators

We are launching a new Exploring & Enacting Holistic Language Pedagogies Project that will connect U.S. and Ukrainian educators in a community of practice where they will learn and share innovative and holistic teaching approaches.

Ukrainian teachers in NYCUkrainian Faculty Member Exchange

Earlier this year, we hosted an in-person and virtual exchange for Ukrainian university faculty members as part of a program to advance English language pedagogy in Ukraine and support mental health and wellbeing. Fifteen Ukrainian faculty members visited New York City, and fifteen others took part in a virtual exchange.

Inclusion & Education

ECDtf logo - blue speech bubble with "ECD" inside, and a globeHosting the ECDtf

This year, CE International became the host organization for the Early Childhood Development Task Force (ECDtf), a global network of professionals and daily members who share resources, information, and research to support young children with disabilities and developmental delays.

Happy girl wearing a backpack in front of her school in SerbiaProject-Based Learning in Serbia

We have continued our work with educators in Serbia to bolster inclusive education practices, with a focus on concepts such as Universal Design for Learning and Project-Based Learning.

Educator Resources

Image of one of the OER resources on differentiated instructionOER Library

Our Open Educational Resource Library continues to grow and provide educators and other education leaders with free professional learning materials on topics such as holistic learning, asset-based pedagogies, and differentiated instruction. Resources are now available in English, French, Kiswahili, Spanish, and Ukrainian.

Adult hands and child hands together, holding a blue-and-yellow heartCourses for Ukrainian Early Childhood Educators

We are offering four free online professional development courses for early childhood educators and other education leaders in Ukraine. The courses cover the topics of child wellbeing and protection, social-emotional learning and psychosocial support, and trauma-informed practices.

Knowledge & Sharing

Cover of CE Innovations' 100th anniversary issue, featuring a girl surrounded by confetti100 years of Childhood Education Innovations

In January, we will celebrate 100 years of publishing Childhood Education Innovations. This magazine provides unique, inspirational information about education programs around the world – focusing solutions and innovations developed around the globe.

Lightbulb graphic and the words, "Did you know? Technological innovations in education."Did You Know? Series

Our new Did You Know? series shares ideas for reflection about how educators can incorporate technological innovations into their classrooms. Recent articles have explored digital citizenship, the role of ChatGPT and other AI tools in the classroom, AI-powered learning analytics, and how early childhood leaders can inspire, motivate, and support innovation.

We wish you a happy end of 2023 and all the best in 2024. Thank you for your continued support of our work.