Социјално-емоционално учење (скраћено СЕУ) јесте процес током којег деца стичу знања и вештине и усвајају ставове потребне за управљање својим осећањима, да разумеју друге, успостављају добре односе и граде пријатељства, успешно комуницирају, постављају и остварују циљеве, решавају проблеме и доносе одговорне одлуке.
Ова брошура је намењена васпитачима и деци, као и осталим члановима породице и пријатељима. У њој ћете сазнати зашто
је важно да деца овладају социјално-емоционалним знањима, вештинама и ставовима неопходним за успешно функционисање у животу.
Развој детета подразумева физички, когнитивни, социјално-емоционални и морални развој. Промене се дешавају у сваком од ових домена, али не увек подједнаким темпом.
Social-emotional character development (SECD), also referred to as social-emotional learning (SEL), involves acquiring skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes that significantly contribute to ensuring well-being and success both in school and in life.
This compendium of resources was created by team members participating in the Holistic Languages Pedagogies (HLP) Project at the Center for Professional Learning at Childhood Education International between July and October 2024. The project brought together English language educators from Ukraine and the United States to learn about and apply holistic language pedagogies together in a virtual community of practice (VCoP). Project participants were invited to make their contributions to the document and to comment and revise each others’ entries. The entries are organized by the respective holistic pedagogy (or other category) of best fit. The categories are: Social and Emotional Learning, Play-based Learning, Asset-based Pedagogies, Drama-based Pedagogies, and Ice Breakers & Other Activities.
To get the most out of this guide, it is recommended that the educator read the description of a resource thoroughly before using it in the classroom. These descriptions provide information on the resource, how it can be used, which age group/grade/English proficiency level is the most appropriate, as well as other relevant details. With a total of 58 entries, this compendium is sure to offer something for all teachers. We encourage experimenting with these activities and using them to enhance existing units, lessons and activities.
Цей 5-годинний курс для вчителів та вихователів, які працюють з дітьми-переселенцями. Мета курсу – розвинути навички викладання, які сприятимуть благополуччю дітей, їх навчанню та успіху в навчанні.
Цей 5-годинний курс для вчителів та вихователів, які працюють з дітьми-переселенцями. Мета курсу – розвинути навички викладання, які сприятимуть благополуччю дітей, їх навчанню та успіху в навчанні.
Щоб отримати доступ до ресурсу
Щоб отримати доступ до цього ресурсу, натисніть кнопку нижче. Вас попросять надати вашу контактну інформацію, щоб допомогти нам керувати матеріалами та ресурсами, які ми розробляємо та звітуємо нашим донорам. Ми ніколи не використовуватимемо цю інформацію, щоб розсилати вам спам, не продаватимемо її нікому чи іншим чином не використовуватимемо її. Уся зібрана особиста інформація обробляється відповідно до Загального регламенту захисту даних (GDPR).
Рішення про надання своєї інформації є ДОБРОВІЛЬНИМ. Якщо ви не хочете ділитися своєю інформацією, просто натисніть «X» у верхньому правому куті вікна форми.
Kitabu hiki cha mwongozo kinalenga kutoa mafunzo ya kirika (mwalimu-kwa-mwalimu) kwa ajili ya utekelezaji bora wa Mtaala unaozingatia Umahiri (MUU) nchini Kenya ili kufikia malengo ya Kujifunza kwa jumla kwa watoto wote nchini kote, ikiwa ni pamoja na watoto wa wakimbizi, waliohamishwa, au mazingira magumu.
Ufikiaji wa Rasilimali
Ili kufikia rasilimali hii, bofya kitufe hapa chini.
Utaombwa kushiriki maelezo yako ya mawasiliano ili kutusaidia kuongoza vifaa na rasilimali tunazotengeneza na kuripoti kwa wafadhili wetu. Hatutatumia kamwe taarifa hii kukutumia barua taka, kuiuza kwa mtu mwingine yeyote, au vinginevyo kuitumia vibaya. Taarifa zote za kibinafsi zilizokusanywa zinashughulikiwa kwa njia zinazoendana na Kanuni ya Ulinzi wa Takwimu ya Jumla (General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Ni HIARI kutoa maelezo yako. Ikiwa hutaki kufanya hivyo, bofya tu “X” kwenye sehemu ya juu ya kulia ya dirisha la fomu.
The Handbook for Holistic Learning supports teachers’ professional learning within communities of practice, such as peer-to-peer Teacher Learning Circles (TLCs), in Kenya. The handbook is an introduction to social-emotional learning (SEL) and supports the implementation of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) as an integrated and complementary pedagogical set for holistic learning.
To Access the Resource
To access this resource, click the button below. You will be asked to share your contact information to help us guide the materials and resources we develop and report to our donors. We will never use this information to spam you, sell it to anyone else, or otherwise misuse it. All personal information collected is handled in a manner consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
It is VOLUNTARY to provide your information. If you don’t want to share your information, simply click the “X” at the top right of the form window.
This Facilitation Guide is a supplement that can be used to support study of the Handbook for Holistic Learning, which supports teachers’ professional learning within communities of practice, such as peer-to-peer Teacher Learning Circles (TLCs), in Kenya.
To Access the Resource
To access this resource, click the button below. You will be asked to share your contact information to help us guide the materials and resources we develop and report to our donors. We will never use this information to spam you, sell it to anyone else, or otherwise misuse it. All personal information collected is handled in a manner consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
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The Asset-based Pedagogies for Quality Holistic Learning micro-credential provides educators with effective methods to get to know students’ assets (strengths) and incorporate students’ strengths, interests, and goals into the curriculum.
Micro-credentials are competency-based assessments of an educator’s areas of expertise. Micro-credentials are a way for teachers to personalize professional development and demonstrate their teaching competencies.
To access this resource, click the button below. You will be asked to share your contact information to help us guide the materials and resources we develop and report to our donors. We will never use this information to spam you, sell it to anyone else, or otherwise misuse it. All personal information collected is handled in a manner consistent with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
It is VOLUNTARY to provide your information. If you don’t want to share your information, simply click the “X” at the top right of the form window.
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