Exploring & Enacting Holistic Language Pedagogies Project

A Co-Learning Journey for Ukrainian and U.S. Educators

The Exploring & Enacting Holistic Language Pedagogies Project brings together Ukrainian and U.S. secondary and post-secondary level teachers to form a Community of Practice where they have opportunities to learn and share innovative and holistic teaching approaches, as well as create connections with each other.

Through biweekly webinars and workshops in the spring semester and an intensive virtual exchange in the summer, the Community of Practice will cultivate connections, deepen English language teaching competencies, and support implementation of student-centered, holistic, and inclusive pedagogies.

This is a project of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv and Childhood Education International.


Areas of focus will include:

  • Social-emotional learning
  • Psychosocial support
  • Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
  • Project- and play-based learning
  • Asset-based pedagogies

This project builds on ongoing work with Ukrainian educators through our Center for Professional Learning’s Ukraine Education Support Projects,  Quality Holistic Learning, and Refugee Educator Academy.


Thank you for your interest in this project. Applications are closed for this project cycle. Contact mriley@ceinternational1892.org, with any questions or interest in future participation.



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Three happy girls sitting in desks in a classroom with uniforms on. Their teacher in the background is helping another student.

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