Commemorating World Refugee Day: Supporting Refugees Through Education

Children in a refugee camp who are playing a game where they walk in a circle, holding hands. In the background are rows of temporary housing tents.

Each year, we come together in the weeks around June 20 to commemorate World Refugee Day, a day designated by the United Nations to celebrate the strength and courage of refugees and other forcibly displaced people.

At Childhood Education International, we are committed to making a difference in the lives of refugees through our focus on early childhood care and education. We believe that access to quality education and care are critically important for all refugee children.

Crisis of Displacement

The global crisis of displacement is at an all-time high.

The UNHCR estimates that there are 108.4 million forcibly displaced people who have fled their homes due to conflict, persecution, or to escape the effects of natural or human-made disasters. This includes 62.5 million internally displaced people, 35.3 million refugees, 5.4 million asylum-seekers, and 5.2 million other people in need of international protection.

More than 40% of all forcibly displaced people are children under the age of 18.

The Rights of Refugees

This crisis highlights the urgent need for organizations and communities to create opportunities and nurturing environments for those displaced.

The 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol help protect refugees and outline their rights, including the right to work, the right to education, the right to housing, and other rights.

However, refugees often face danger, and people who have been displaced frequently find themselves in unfamiliar and challenging circumstances, where access to basic needs – including quality education and early childhood care – can be difficult or nonexistent.

Children are particularly vulnerable. They may lose loved ones or be separated from family, and many spend their childhoods away from home. They may also experience violence and are at risk of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

Education & Early Childhood Care

Everyone has a right to education. However, nearly half of all school-age refugee children are not in school, and most young children lack access to early childhood care and education.

Some of the barriers to quality education include a lack of school buildings, qualified teachers, and learning materials. In addition, refugee children and youth face additional challenges, such as language barriers, separation from family support systems, gaps in education, and discrimination.

Education can equip refugees with vital skills and knowledge, as well as provide the routine, continuity, and care particularly needed by those who have experienced trauma and displacement. This fundamental right is crucial for refugees, as education can offer a lifeline of hope and a pathway toward opportunities.

Our Work

At Childhood Education International, we believe that children and youth need educational opportunities to not only grow their intellectual and academic abilities but also support their well-being and social-emotional needs.

Through our programs and initiatives, we strive to foster educational opportunities that support refugee students wherever they may be in their refugee journey. Our current programs focus on materials and communities of practice for refugee educators because we believe that qualified, well-resourced educators can make a big difference in children’s lives.