UNICEF Compiles Latest Research on COVID-19’s Effects of Children

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Perhaps the most pressing current concern for educators worldwide is how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting children’s learning and education. It is, therefore, understandable that a never-ending flow of information that analyzes, examines, and hypothesizes about the topic is percolating through various communication channels. Despite best intentions by all authors involved, the variety of information can be overwhelming for readers seeking practical and accessible support.

Thus, the Children and COVID-19 Research Library, a collection of scientific content backed by empirical studies compiled by the UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, is a welcome and invaluable resource. The library, which is continuously curated with the latest verified research, currently contains over 400 peer-reviewed journal articles, research reports, policy briefs, and more.

Though the contents are focused on scientific research, UNICEF has taken measures to ensure the library is accessibile and user-friendly. Article titles, authors, and abstracts are immediately visible as users scroll through the content, and an option for filtering by topic, language, source, and other criteria is also available.

The Children and COVID-19 Research Library enables quick and easy access, in one place, to the latest scientific research regarding the impact of the current pandemic on children and adolescents. While physical health is the most urgent concern regarding COVID-19, the library focuses on the socio-economic effects that the virus is having on children. Since many of those effects will only be recognizable over time, it will be helpful to routinely monitor the library for the latest results being published by the research community.

Visit the Children and COVID-19 Research Library