Education Leadership During Crisis: Applying Education Diplomacy in Response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has touched every part of the globe and has caused disruption in education on a level never seen before. It is estimated that 89% of the student population and nearly 63 million primary and secondary school teachers are out of school.
During a crisis, we need to rely on skills that help us to better understand the situation, our priorities, and each other. Education Diplomacy, a concept developed by Childhood Education International, can be a helpful approach to use at all times, as it encourages working together to resolve education challenges; it can be a particularly helpful and relevant approach to use during unsettled times.
This course has been designed to provide an overview of the key education diplomacy skills you can immediately use to navigate this difficult time and to help you find solutions to the education challenges you are currently facing.
This mini-course that has been designed specifically to support the ability of individuals, schools, NGOs, and other organizations to work together to resolve challenges being faced in education during the COVID-19 crisis.
Although all are welcome to engage in this course, it may be particularly helpful for education leaders—school leaders, early childhood program directors, NGO leaders, head teachers, and others who are supporting teams as they adjust to and find ways to work together during a crisis event.
This course is a free online, self-paced course. Throughout the course, you will be introduced to key concepts, skills, and reflection questions to help you during this critical time.
You can register and begin this course at any time. On average, this course takes between 3-5 hours to complete and can be completed over multiple sessions. A brief evaluation must be completed at the end of the course. Certificates are available by request.