D.C. School Demonstrates Commitment to Global Citizenship

Congratulations to Shepherd Elementary School on achieving their Global Schools First Level 1 Certificate of Commitment! The Level 1 Certificate of Commitment is awarded to schools and learning centers that emphasize the importance of Global Citizenship Education.
Shepherd is an elementary school in Washington, DC, USA that serves students from pre-Kindergarten (age 3) to 5th grade (approximately age 11). As a school, Shepherd has shown a firm commitment to helping all their students become active global citizens, as shared in their school vision “to develop inquisitive, international-minded learners who think globally and act compassionately.” Working towards this vision is part of so many programs at Shepherd, but one of the most innovative is a program that encourages classrooms to choose a country to represent throughout the year.
As part of this program, teachers and students become “ambassadors” for their country, sharing and gathering information about other countries as they visit other classrooms. Many of the selected countries represent countries of origin or heritage for Shepherd students. This helps to create an environment that empowers students to directly connect their identities to their learning. Teachers and students are encouraged to make connections between classroom learning and discussions and “their” country. Activities also include weekly activities when teachers share more information about “their” country, displaying student work related to the country on International Day, inviting parents and visitors to share stories and experiences about the country, and participating in exchange opportunities when possible.
We are thrilled to have Shepherd join the schools working together to encourage global citizenship through Global Schools First.