Global Schools First

Will Tomorrow's Leaders Come From Your School?

Schools can help prepare students for a complex and connected future.

Chart that has three rows and four columns. The first row says: "Better learners = engaged students, deep thinkers, skilled workforce." The second row says: "Better people = fulfilled individuals, active citizens, inclusive communities." The third row says: "Better World = equitable opportunity, sustainable development, peaceful societies."

Education for the future requires learning to live and work together. Children educated for global citizenship are better learners, better people, and contributors to a better world.

Use our Global Schools First assessment tool to catalog your current work and plan your next steps.

Learn more about global citizenship and our school-wide approach

From birth onward, children are learning lessons about the world around them and their place in it. Our Global Schools First program supports primary schools as they educate their students to be active global citizens. We are looking for partner schools and school systems around the world ready to implement global citizenship education. Take the first step to examine how your school is implementing global citizenship with our GSF Global Audit.

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