Topic: Education Leadership

Growing Leaders to Support Learners

Early childhood program leaders have a big responsibility—ensuring that children, the world’s most precious resource and gift, have the best environment in which to grow, learn, and be the best they can be. To meet this responsibility, early childhood program leaders take on many roles, including supervisor, manager, counselor, and social worker.

Based on The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by Dr. John Maxwell, and led by Raj Kapur, an Executive Director of the John Maxwell Team, the series will take you, step by step, through a process to reflect on where you are today and how you plan to grow. Each video will focus on areas to help you build a growth mindset, learn about your strengths, tap into your passions, understand your purpose, and develop your skills.

Watch the video below for more course information.

Through this course you will:

  • Apply approaches and strategies to nurture and grow yourself as a person and more effective leader.
  • Evaluate your goals and values in your work and life to understand how to build a personal growth plan that works for you.
  • Identify and analyze your unique strengths and passions to help better understand your purpose and guide your growth journey.
  • Understand the importance of building a community of support through mentorship and sharing your knowledge with those around you.
  • Build a growth mindset that encourages you to stretch yourself into new areas and embrace change along your growth journey.
  • Design a growth plan that will continue to motivate you and keep you disciplined and consistent in building your skills and reaching your goals.

You can take this course on your own or as a group of leaders who want to share this experience of personal growth together.

Reflection questions and exercises will stimulate your thinking and guide you as you begin planning your personal growth journey.