Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Our Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic

CE International supports education leaders, educators, parents and caregivers in ensuring creative yet careful approaches are taken to mitigate disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 has disrupted education in profound ways, presenting significant challenges for educators, families, and children. In response to the great need for information and guidance during this difficult time, CE International has been responding to the COVID-19 crisis by offering resources and other supports. Below, you will find links to courses, guides, and other resources.

CE International Resources

Emerging From Crisis: Covid-19 Guide for Reopening Primary Schools and ECD Programs
A free, online mini-course

Empowering Your Child as a Global Collaborator
Download the Guide

Education Leadership During Crisis: Applying Education Diplomacy in Response to COVID-19
A free, online mini-course

Education Leaders Embracing Change: Using disruption and innovation to transform education
Download the Guide

Childhood Education Innovations

Childhood Education Innovations, our flagship magazine, has long been a source for pioneering education practices. The Covid-19 pandemic has been no exception as authors have rapidly witnessed and transcribed meaningful trends and lessons from learning settings around the globe.

Below is a free collection of informative articles related to the challenges presented by the pandemic.

Writer’s Workshop:
Maintaining social connection in remote learning
The Silver Lining:
Education in a post-pandemic world
A New Paradigm for Early Education:
Opening doors through
virtual kindergarten
Agency With Virtual Learning:
Prioritizing children’s social emotional health in the pandemic
Staying Connected During a Pandemic:
Leveraging digital technologies for Vietnamese home-based care providers
Please Remember Us:
iACT’s Little Ripples helping refugee families during the pandemic
Museum Visits Students
Where They Are
One Teacher’s Experiences During the COVID-19 School Closures

Virtual Community of Practice

Our Virtual Community of Practice was a series of virtual conversations about various topics related to the Covid-19 pandemic. The conversations brought people together from all over the world to provide their own particular take on a given theme, including both guests on the call and viewers. Click the topics below to watch recordings of each conversation.