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The Center for Professional Learning, in partnership with the Ukrainian Institute of Education Development and working with representatives from the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science and Teach for Ukraine, has developed free online professional development resources for early childhood educators, primary school teachers, and practical psychologists in Ukraine.
This initiative, funded by Porticus, seeks to help educators better support children through trauma-informed approaches to mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), as well as social and emotional learning (SEL).
A suite of four self-paced online courses have been developed with early childhood educators, primary school teachers, and practical psychologists in Ukraine.
These courses are highly contextualized – culturally, linguistically, visually, and pedagogically – to Ukraine and present the latest research and best practices in easily accessible and practical ways.
These Ukrainian-language resources are available free of charge to educators across Ukraine and in the Ukrainian diaspora. We appreciate you sharing them with your colleagues and in your networks to ensure every Ukrainian early childhood educator has access to courses built with their well-being and the well-being of the children they serve in mind.
These resources are available to ministry, INGO, CBO, and school leaders and directly to teachers with an aim of reaching more than 5,000 educators across the country by the end of 2023. This initiative builds upon the already resilient, innovative, and caring capacities of Ukrainian educators to ensure holistic learning for every Ukrainian child and to support both educators’ and children’s well-being.
In addition to this project, CE International is facilitating another initiative in Ukraine that supports the enrichment of English language teacher preparation programs at pedagogical universities and other higher education institutions in Ukraine through exploration of English language teaching (ELT) methodologies, teacher observation and feedback, and integration of social and emotional learning.
For additional information, contact Julie Kasper at jkasper@ceinternational1892.org or join our mailing list for updates.