Holistic Language Pedagogies Compendium of Resources
This compendium of resources was created by team members participating in the Holistic Languages Pedagogies (HLP) Project at the Center for Professional Learning at Childhood Education International between July and October 2024. The project brought together English language educators from Ukraine and the United States to learn about and apply holistic language pedagogies together in a virtual community of practice (VCoP). Project participants were invited to make their contributions to the document and to comment and revise each others’ entries. The entries are organized by the respective holistic pedagogy (or other category) of best fit. The categories are: Social and Emotional Learning, Play-based Learning, Asset-based Pedagogies, Drama-based Pedagogies, and Ice Breakers & Other Activities.
To get the most out of this guide, it is recommended that the educator read the description of a resource thoroughly before using it in the classroom. These descriptions provide information on the resource, how it can be used, which age group/grade/English proficiency level is the most appropriate, as well as other relevant details. With a total of 58 entries, this compendium is sure to offer something for all teachers. We encourage experimenting with these activities and using them to enhance existing units, lessons and activities.