World Refugee Day 2022
“Every person has the right to seek safety – whoever they are, wherever they come from, and whenever they are forced to flee.”
CE Internationals stands #WithRefugees
“Every person has the right to seek safety – whoever they are, wherever they come from, and whenever they are forced to flee.”
CE Internationals stands #WithRefugees
84,000,000 – the number of forcibly displaced people around the world, as of mid-2021. Since then, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and exacerbated crises in Afghanistan, Venezuela, Syria, South Sudan, Myanmar, and beyond means this concerning figure is already millions short of reality. In the face of such widespread incursions against their safety, we must remain resolute in protecting refugees and their rights as defined in the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees.
That is the message for World Refugee Day 2022 (20 June): whoever, wherever, whenever – everyone has the right to seek safety. Concerning “safety,” the United Nations High commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) highlights five specific components that contribute to refugee safety:
Watch a recent discussion about how we at CE International can contribute to holistic learning environments and quality education opportunities for the most vulnerable.
One important reminder, as stated by UNHCR, is that “safety is just a start.” Protection is first and foremost, but our global responsibility extends beyond this first step. We also must cooperate in ensuring the forcibly displaced are given adequate opportunities to not just survive but thrive.
Recently, Childhood Education International demonstrated our commitment to holistic learning opportunities for refugees and other vulnerable learners by acquiring the Center for Professional Learning (CPL). Within CPL you will find the Refugee Educator Academy, an online community of practice designed to support educators and to offer sustainable, holistic learning opportunities for teachers working in refugee displacement, migration, and resettlement contexts. The REA’s growing catalog of resources and courses, including multilingual OERs created in response to the Ukraine crisis, is designed to provide continued opportunities for refugees once safety is established.
In the United Kingdom, World Refugee Day is the primary celebration of a longer observance titled Refugee Week (20-26 June). Specifically, Refugee Week celebrates “the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary.” Furthermore it invites participation by anyone interested, including giving young learners the opportunity to engage. Refugee Week has also organized an extensive calendar of events to celebrate the contributions of displaced people and foster conversation about increasing support for such populations.
You can review the full calendar of hybrid events on Refugee Week’s website, or browse the online-only events we have highlighted in the table below: