New Resources for Professional Development: Teachers Supporting Teachers in Quality Holistic Learning in Displacement Contexts

Access to professional development materials for educators is critical to providing quality education for children worldwide, but teachers in contexts of crisis and displacement often lack the resources and information they need.
At Childhood Education International, we are responding to this need by creating free online multimodal professional development resources in English, French, and Arabic, accessible in our online Open Educational Resource (OER) Library. The library includes micro-credentials, courses, facilitation guides, and training materials focused on trauma-informed practices, psychosocial supports, social-emotional learning, and asset-based pedagogies.
We are excited to announce that a new set of professional development resources will be added to the OER Library on July 10.
The new resources build on the existing ones by further contextualizing the topics within and for displacement and crisis contexts, as well as introducing a new set of learning materials that focus on differentiated instruction.
Working as a community of practice in the Quality Holistic Learning Project, educators who work with refugee, displaced, and vulnerable learners in Kenya, Lebanon, Niger, and Chad have collaborated to co-create these professional development materials. This helps ensure that the resources address the diverse needs and experiences of educators and children in different emergency contexts and different languages.
This work is supported by Porticus’ All Eyes on Learning Program.