CE International Celebrates Disability Pride Month

This month, Childhood Education International is recognizing Disability Pride Month, which celebrates the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the United States in 1990.
As an organization dedicated to ensuring that all children have access to quality education worldwide, we celebrate the intrinsic worth and many contributions of people with disabilities worldwide. We also seek to amplify the advocacy of people with disabilities, as well as reject ableism and discrimination.
A key to ensuring lifelong inclusion, equity, and opportunity for people with disabilities is a strong start in the early years, including early intervention, supportive care, and inclusive education.
Far too often, children with disabilities are excluded from schools and other educational opportunities. Professional training is needed to support education leaders in building inclusive classrooms, learning materials and methods that support all learners in accessing information and activities need to be made available, and buildings may need to be changed to allow for mobility and access for all.
CE International is the host organization for the Early Childhood Development Task Force (ECDtf), an international network of professionals, families, and individuals dedicated to ensuring that young children with disabilities reach their full potential.
The ECDtf promotes multi-sectoral and cross-sectoral policies, programs, and practices in all nations and aims to establish and expand high quality inclusive services for early childhood intervention in natural and community-based environments. We foster the inclusion and equitable participation of young children and families in social protection, education, health and nutrition, and emergency situations.
CE International and our partner, the Center for Interactive Pedagogy, recently completed a yearlong project focused on inclusive education in Serbia.
Using a “train the trainer” model, this project provided professional development training to education leaders in five schools across Serbia, and those trainers in turn provided training to more than 175 education professionals in their schools and regions.
CE International recently collaborated with the organization Education & English for You (EEFY) to support inclusive education in Ivoirian schools.
Fifteen pre-primary and primary school education leaders from across the country attended two full-day training sessions focused on Universal Design for Learning, Education Diplomacy, social-and-emotional learning, and gender equity.
With support from the U.S. Department of State, CE International administered online courses on inclusive education practices for early childhood education leaders in Singapore.
Over a period of 35 weeks, the project incorporated core and small-group session that focused on perspectives on inclusion, policies and practices from around the world, the benefits of inclusion, and evidence-based approaches to inclusion that could be utilized in the Singaporean context. It incorporated an asset-based approach and encouraged participants to brainstorm strategies to collaborate with families.
CE International has developed the WILL Action Framework to guide our work in meeting our mission of creating innovative solutions to education challenges while supporting children’s holistic development. Our work on inclusive education is part of the Well-Being Practice Area.