CIES Annual Meeting: CE International to Present

Childhood Education International team members are preparing to attend and present at the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES) Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, in February.
CIES 2023 is an exciting opportunity for scholars, policymakers, educators, and practitioners from around the world to share research, insights, and experiences and to learn together on a wide range of education-related topics.
Building Diplomatic Negotiation Skills to Solve Education Challenges
Feb. 18, 9:30am-12:30pm
A key challenge faced by education practitioners is how to strategically position themselves for advocacy and collaboration in an education sector space increasingly characterized by diverse actors, organizations, and sectors. This workshop will introduce participants to the innovative practice of Education Diplomacy, which is transformative in facilitating collaboration among diverse stakeholders to achieve common goals and visions in the education sector.
Roundtable: Teaching and Teachers
Feb. 19, 6:30-8pm
During this roundtable session, presenters will share about teacher professional learning in refugee/displacement contexts, sustainability in TESOL to promote Indigenous cultural preservation, resilience and its cultural relevance for children impacted by violence in Pakistan, and school-based health programs.
Strengthening ECD Systems, Financing and Accountability
Feb. 22, 3:15-4:45pm
During this paper session, presenters will discuss topics including the emergence of national collaborative early childhood development systems, financing early childhood care and education, measurement for change, and the development of ecosystem in early childhood.
If you would like to connect with a member of our team during CIES 2023, please contact us or at 202-372-9986. You can also find our booth in the in-person exhibit space.