CE International Partners to Host the International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute

Childhood Education International is pleased to announce our collaborative partnership with the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, UNC Chapel Hill to develop and offer a new international strand of this year’s International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute.
The International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute is one of the premier educational opportunities for individuals involved in the care and education of young children with disabilities (birth to 8) in inclusive settings.
“This is an opportunity to connect more global early childhood professionals with opportunities to learn and share with each other, and to improve inclusive education approaches worldwide,” said Diane Whitehead, President and CEO of CE International. “We are excited to partner to expand the reach of the International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute.”
Inclusive education is a key focus area for CE International. We have recently been working with educators in Serbia to bolster inclusive education practices, with a focus on Universal Design, and we incorporate innovative inclusive education practices into all our projects.
Additionally, CE International hosts the Early Childhood Development Task Force (ECDtf), an inclusive global network engaging in knowledge-sharing and dialogue to build locally led solutions for a world in which young children with developmental delays or disabilities can thrive.
“We want inclusive education to be more than a practice or approach. We want it to be an attitude, a way of thinking, and the belief that all children, regardless of ability, are welcomed, have access, and feel a sense of belonging in all environments,” said Dayana Garcia, Chief Program Officer at CE International.
Registration is now open for the 24th annual International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute, which takes place May 7-9, 2024. Learn about the 2024 registration rates, logistics, and schedule-at-a-glance.