An important goal for transformation of education is undoing the inequities in the system and...
Students deserve to feel recognized and valued, seeing themselves reflected in the lessons provided.
A free, curated collection of articles showcasing innovative ideas, approaches, and solutions.
Project-based learning is linked to a variety of efforts for change in innovative schools.
Roots of Empathy is an award-winning international children’s charity focused on building caring, peaceful, and...
Technology solutions to teacher shortages.
Play is widely acknowledged as being critical for children’s development.
Access to education can be increased, even for previously marginalized populations, by harnessing technologies, such...
There can be no better goal for educators who wish to make a positive difference...
Innovation can be encouraged in many ways. Download our pdf.
Creating family friendly environments supports children's learning.
Modern storytelling can be a powerful way to achieve engagement.
Portals are making it possible for people around the world to connect and recognize their...
The Anji Play approach is a model of innovative play-based education in China that is...
Meet the authors of "Preschool Leaders as Enablers of Innovation: Emerging practices with preschool leaders...