Supporting Inclusive Education in Côte d’Ivoire: Empowering Teachers and Leaders

Supporting educators in Côte d’Ivoire as they build a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive educational environment.

With support from the U.S. Department of State, Childhood Education International and Education and English for You (EEFY) partnered to design and implement an inclusive education training aimed at enabling Ivorian educators to provide an inclusive learning environment and promote an inclusive mindset among students.

Project Goals

This project sought to support teachers in Côte d’Ivoire in developing more equitable, diverse, and inclusive educational environments.

Through the project, CE International aimed to share information and strategies related to equitable and inclusive educational practices, and connect educators in peer-to-peer exchanges for learning and growth. The project also aimed to support educators in developing their own plans for action for implementing new concepts and strategies.

Project Structure

Pre-primary and primary school teachers and education leaders from different areas of Côte d’Ivoire attended two full-day training sessions. A pre-training survey, post-training survey, and school visits were conducted, and participants developed and tested out ideas for an inclusive education action plan.

Areas of focus included Universal Design for Learning, Education Diplomacy, social and emotional learning, and gender equity.


By the end of the training, participants:

  • Gained new understandings of inclusive education concepts
  • Increased their confidence in implementation of concepts, and how to better integrate training concepts into their daily work with children
  • Developed and fostered peer-to-peer relationships so that they may continue to support one another’s work after the conclusion of the program
  • Learned how to put the concepts into action while receiving mentorship and advice from program trainers

Change in Teaching Approach

The training came to bring a radical and total change in my way of seeing and considering teaching. Today, I see teaching differently and I have enough resources to flourish in my profession. Passion drives me. I show empathy towards the students whom I consider to be part of the act of learning.

Project participant

More Attention, Love, and Support

I admit that before the training I marginalized and ignored the children who had difficulty following the lessons normally in the classroom because of their large number, sometimes calling them lazy and incapable. However, after the training I realize that these children need more attention, love, and interaction with their classmates and myself.

Project participant

After the project was complete, an impact report was compiled in English and French to share outcomes. We anticipate that many children will benefit from enhanced inclusion practices in the educators’ respective schools.

Access the Report