Headshot of Mary Otieno

Mary Otieno

Dr. Mary Otieno’s specialization is in educational planning, economics of education, and policy studies, with a focus on mainstreaming and strengthening education systems with respect to quality assurance and standards. She is a seasoned educator with teaching experience at all levels, and she has a particular interest in basic education, higher education, and girls’ education, as well as teacher education and education systems strengthening. Her research focus is on gender, ESD, and technology in both basic and higher education.

Mary is a Senior Lecturer of Educational Planning and Policy Studies Research at Kenyatta University in Nairobi, Kenya, and previously served as a coordinator of the Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) Greater Nairobi, including membership in various committees – curriculum review, research, and product development – and serving as a mentor at the Chandaria Business Centre of Innovation and Incubation. She is the founder of the Siprosa Anyango Foundation, an NGO focusing on quality education and poverty, and she runs a lower cost ECD Center in Kenya. She works closely with the Ministry of Education, representing Kenya at the UNESCO meetings on education for sustainable development, and at the UNESCO meeting of its global network of international teacher education institutions.