Headshot of Brandi King

Brandi King

Dr. Brandi N. King, Deputy Chief of Practice at Child Care Aware of America, has over 15 years’ experience as an educator, strategic thinker, and thought partner as an early childhood professional. She works as a champion for children and families promoting high quality childcare practices and strengthening professional development initiatives for those who work with families and children from birth to age eight.

Dr. King’s diverse experience guides Childhood Education International in areas of training and technical assistance (T/TA), workforce development, research, social emotional development, and capacity building that inform early childhood policy on professional growth opportunities for early care professionals. She is deeply committed to practice and policy that impacts systemic change at the local, state, and national levels. Dr. King graduated from Howard University with a doctoral degree in Psychology and completed a highly competitive Neuroscience postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.