About the Open Educational Resource Library
Democratizing knowledge access, encouraging professional collaboration, and promoting quality, equity, and holistic learning.
Childhood Education International’s Open Educational Resource (OER) Library shares free professional development materials to support educators working in displacement and crisis contexts around the world.
The resources in this library were co-created by educators for educators as part of projects facilitated by the Center for Professional Learning at CE International. Educators are encouraged to modify and adapt these materials to customize them for their own unique needs and to collaborate with others to build upon and improve the resources.
Use of the OERs
While these OERs are available for free, we ask that users adhere to the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International license that governs use of this resource and appreciate you acknowledging the Center for Professional Learning (CPL) in your training, on your course site, or wherever you make use of these resources.
For ensuring the most effective use of the OERs, we recommend contextualizing them to national education systems, priorities, and classroom realities, in collaboration with local educators. CPL can provide guidance and support for use of these materials, including how best to contextualize the material, facilitate professional development, assess impact and outcomes, or otherwise support teaching and learning. CPL provides these fee-for-service options based on project parameters. Please contact us if you are interested in additional services to support implementation: Julie Kasper, jkasper@ceinternational1892.org.
Development of the OER Library
This OER Library grew out of the Quality Holistic Learning Project facilitated by CPL. This project was a response to the ongoing desire among teachers for professional learning and leadership opportunities that address concerns of quality, equity, and holistic earning. Learn more about the OER Library’s history and recommended use in English, French, and Arabic by clicking on the arrows below.
Open Educational Resources (English)
The Quality Holistic Learning (QHL) Project within our Center for Professional Learning (CPL) was a response to the ongoing desire among teachers for professional learning and leadership opportunities that address concerns of quality, equity, and holistic learning. Each of the open educational resources in the periodically updated library below was guided by our own Sustainable Learning Framework and is the result of co-creating impactful professional development resources with educators who work in displacement contexts.
As defined by UNESCO, open educational resources (OERs) are “learning, teaching and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license, that permit no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, adaptation and redistribution by others.” Our mission at CE International is to develop and amplify innovative solutions to education challenges that affirm children’s learning and development as the pathway to sustainable futures for all. Therefore, the creation of OERs is in our organizational DNA.
Ressources Éducatives Ouvertes (Français)
Le projet d’apprentissage holistique de qualité (QHL) au sein de notre Centre pour l’apprentissage professionnel est une réponse au désir permanent et ardent des enseignants pour un apprentissage professionnel et des opportunités de leadership qui répondent aux préoccupations de qualité, d’équité et d’apprentissage holistique. Chacune des ressources éducatives ouvertes (REL) de la bibliothèque régulièrement mise à jour ci-dessous a été conçue par notre propre cadre d’apprentissage durable et est le résultat de la co-création de ressources de développement professionnel percutantes avec des éducateurs qui travaillent dans des contextes de déplacement.
Les ressources éducatives libres (REL), telles que définies par l’UNESCO, sont « du matériel d’apprentissage, d’enseignement et de recherche dans tous les formats et supports qui résident dans le domaine public ou sont sous copyright qui ont été publiés sous une licence ouverte, qui permettent l’accès, la réutilisation,l’adaptation et la redistribution sans frais par d’autres ». Mission : Développer et multiplier des solutions innovantes aux défis de l’éducation. De telles solutions affirment que l’apprentissage et le développement des enfants constituent la voie vers un avenir durable pour tous. Par conséquent, la création de REL est dans notre ADN organisationnel.
Veuillez lire avant d’utiliser, d’adapter ou de faire circuler des REL.
موارد تعليميّة مفتوحة (عربي)
إنّ مشروع التّعلّم الشّامل عالي الجودة داخل مركز التّعلّم المهني لدينا هو استجابةٌ لرغبة المعلّمين المستمرّة في زيادة تعلّمهم المهنيّ وتحسين فرص القيادة لديهم، والّتي بدورها تعالج المخاوف المترتّبة على الجودة والشّموليّة والإنصاف في عملية التّعليم. لذا تمّ توجيه كلّ الموارد التّعليميّة المفتوحة في المكتبة المُحدَّثة دوريًا أدناه من خلال إطار التّعلّم المُستدام الخاصّ بنا، والّذي كان نتيجة مشاركة المعلّمين الّذين يعملون في سياقات النّزوح في إنشاء موارد تطوير مهنيّ مؤثّرة وفاعلة.
الموارد التّعليميّة المفتوحة، على النّحو الّذي حدّدته اليونسكو هي “موادٌّ تعليميّة وتدريسيّة وبحثيّة بأيّ شكلٍ ووسيلةٍ كانت، يتمّ نشرها في النّطاق العام، أو تخضع لحقوق الطّبع والنّشر الّتي تمّ إصدارها بموجب ترخيصٍ مفتوحٍ، والّتي تسمح بالوصول المجانيّ (دون تكلفة) كما تسمح بإعادة استخدامها وتوظيفها وتوزيعها من قِبَل الآخرين”. إنّ مهمّتنا في تتمثّل في مواجهة تحدّيات التّعليم من خلال تطوير وتوسيع الحلول المُبتكرة الّتي تؤكّد على أهميّة تعلّم الأطفال ونمائهم كمسار إلى مستقبل مُستدَام للجميع. لذلك، فإن إنشاء موجودٌ في صميم العمل التّنظيميّ الخاصّ بنا.
يٌرجَى القراءة قبل استخدام الموارد التّعليميّة المفتوحة أو تكييفها أوتداولها.
Explore the OER Library & Connect With Other Educators
Please visit the Open Educational Resource Library to download and utilize these free materials. We encourage educators to share how you are using these resources with us and our online community.
We offer several online communities where educators can connect with each other to share resources, network, learn from each other, and support each other’s wellbeing. We welcome educators to join any or all these communities:
- CPL Community Space
- CPL’s Refugee and (Im)migrant Education Initiatives Space
- CPL’s Holistic Teaching and Learning Initiatives Space
- CE International’s community-wide Gathering Place