OER & Course Topic: Holistic Learning

Pédagogies basées sur les atouts (force)

Asset Based Pedagogies

*This is a CPL course. To take the course, you will be required to create an account on learning.careyinistute.org once you click “Enroll.”

Ce cours et ouvert et de auto-rythmé, “L’apprentissage holistique de qualité”, a été conçu par des enseignants pour des enseignants, en particulier ceux qui travaillent avec des apprenants réfugiés et vulnérables. Il vise à donner un aperçu de la terminologie, des concepts et des pratiques clés liés aux pédagogies fondées sur les actifs/ les forces.

Les éducateurs qui suivent ce court cours en ligne :

  • acquérir une compréhension pratique de ce que sont les pédagogies basées sur les actifs et pourquoi elles sont importantes

  • être en mesure d’identifier les moyens par lesquels les pédagogies basées sur les actifs peuvent être appliquées en classe

  • examiner comment appliquer des pédagogies basées sur les actifs dans le contexte de leur propre travail

Le cours prendra en moyenne 3-4 heures à compléter.. Un certificat de participation sera délivré en cas de réussite. Merci de votre intérêt et de votre engagement envers votre apprentissage professionnel et votre enseignement!

Un manuel d’utilisation hors ligne est en cours d’élaboration, en tant qu’outil parallèle d’apprentissage des pédagogies basées sur les actifs. Veuillez communiquer avec jkasper@ceinternational1892.org pour discuter de la mise à l’essai de ce matériel supplémentaire.

Cette activité fait partie du projet “L’apprentissage holistique de qualité” (QHL). Pour en savoir plus sur le projet, cliquez ici. Votre participation à cette activité est une partie importante de notre processus visant à garantir que toutes les ressources QHL créées par les enseignants pour les enseignants connectent directement aux intérêts et aux besoins d’apprentissage professionnel des éducateurs travaillant avec des apprenants déplacés, migrants, réfugiés et autres apprenants vulnérables et / ou marginalisés dans le monde entier. Nous vous sommes reconnaissants de l’intérêt que vous portez et de votre inscription à ce cours. Nous apprécions votre participation et vos commentaires au fur et à mesure que vous avancez dans le cours. Merci d’avance d’avoir participé à des sondages de cours pour nous aider à améliorer ces cours. Toutes les ressources QHL seront disponibles en tant que ressources éducatives libres (REL) plus tard en 2022.

Asset (Strength) Based Pedagogies for Quality Holistic Learning

Asset Based Pedagogies

This self-paced (non-facilitated) course introduces teachers, especially those working with refugee and vulnerable learners around the world, to asset- or strength-based pedagogies. It provides an overview of key terminology, concepts, and practices related to asset- or strength-based pedagogies.

Arabic version / French version

Educators who complete this short online course will:

  • gain a working understanding of what asset-based pedagogies are and why they are important
  • be able to identify ways in which asset-based pedagogies can be applied in the classroom
  • examine how to apply asset-based pedagogies in the context of their own work

It will take 3-4 hours, on average, to complete this course. A certificate of participation will be issued upon successful completion. Thank you for your interest and for your commitment to your professional learning and to teaching!

This course is part of the Quality Holistic Learning (QHL) Project. Learn more about the project here. Your participation in this activity is an important part of our process of ensuring that all QHL resources created by teachers for teachers directly speak to the professional learning interests and needs of educators working with displaced, migrant, refugee, and other vulnerable and/or marginalized learners globally. We are grateful for your interest and enrollment in this course. We value your participation and your feedback as you move through the course. Thank you in advance for participating in course surveys to help us improve these courses. All QHL resources will be available as Open Education Resources (OERs).

Introduction to SEL & PSS for Quality Holistic Learning

Social Emotional Learning

Introduction to Social and Emotional Learning & Psychosocial Support for Quality Holistic Learning (full course title)

This online course was developed based on the workshop materials designed with Quality Holistic Learning (QHL) Project Fellows in Niger. This course introduces social and emotional learning (SEL), psychosocial support (PSS), and safe, holistic learning spaces. This is a self-paced (non-facilitated) learning resource.

Course in French / Course in Arabic


Educators who complete this online course will:

  • understand the importance of creating a safe and inclusive environment for children’s well-being and learning in emergency situations
  • understand the basic principles of Psychosocial Support (PSS) and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and their role in supporting students in displaced contexts, especially considering the educator’s unique students and learning context
  • integrate simple and applicable PSS interventions and SEL activities into their lesson plans to ensure Quality Holistic Learning

It will take 4-5 hours, on average, to complete this course. A certificate of participation will be issued upon successful completion. Thank you for your interest and for your commitment to your professional learning and to teaching!

An offline, PowerPoint guided workshop series, upon which this course is based, is available for training purposes as well. Please contact qhl.support@ceinternational1892.org to discuss piloting of that workshop material.

This course is part of the Quality Holistic Learning (QHL) Project. Learn more about the project here. Your participation in this activity is an important part of our process of ensuring that all QHL resources created by teachers for teachers directly speak to the professional learning interests and needs of educators working with displaced, migrant, refugee, and other vulnerable and/or marginalized learners globally. We are grateful for your interest and enrollment in this course. We, also, value your participation and your feedback as you move through the course. Thank you in advance for participating in course surveys to help us improve these courses. All QHL resources will be available as Open Education Resources (OERs).

Identity Development: Building Inner Strength in a Changing World

Child looking in mirror.

Identity Development Online Course-Key Topics:

  • Identity development in children
  • What does it mean for children to understand themselves?
  • Multi-layered levels of identity
  • Learning about identity through relationships
  • Adult identity development
  • How do children understand themselves?

In today’s world, young children need a strong, solid sense of who they are in order to adjust to the constant changes occurring in the world around them. Knowing themselves, being self-aware, provides children with a point of reference to understand and interact in their families, communities and society and they can draw upon their strengths to respond to challenges with resilience, an increased sense of safety which can expand feelings of hope and optimism.

Over the course of 3-5 hours, participants will gain a valuable understanding of how to support young children with a secure sense of identity that corresponds with their needs to understand themselves at various ages and stages of development. For young children to know who they are, we must try to see and understand the world through their eyes.

At the conclusion of the Identity Development online course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion from Childhood Education International (CE International). Should you experience any technical difficulties while taking this course, please send an email message to support@ceinternational1892.org.