Childhood Education Innovations: Transforming Education

The education and well-being of the world’s children is a vital responsibility for every member of the global community. At Childhood Education International, we believe only when children have ample opportunity to develop to their fullest potential can we be assured of a secure future for the world.
In the pages of Childhood Education Innovations, we seek to inspire and excite through articles that feature the best new strategies from around the world, valuing the contexts in which they were developed and implemented. By sharing practical and inspiring success stories, and innovative responses to challenges along the way to success, we seek to provide the essential impetus for transforming our schools and communities to benefit all children.
We have curated this collection of articles from Childhood Education Innovations to showcase innovative ideas, approaches, and solutions that are making a positive difference for children around the world.
Articles are free exclusively via the special collection page until December 2020.