The Early Childhood Development Task Force (ECDtf) is a global network of professionals and family members who come together to share resources, information, and research to provide a collective message about the importance of early childhood development and early childhood intervention.
The ECDtf works alongside kindred initiatives focused on the inclusion of young children with developmental delays and disabilities and their families in emergent global and regional development agendas and priorities.
ECDtf members “connect-the-dots” between the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities through advocacy for an inclusive approach to early childhood development.
ECDtf members connect via a listserv and an online community to share information and connect with each other on common research and advocacy interests. A biweekly e-newsletter shares news and events related to early childhood development and children with disabilities.
The Inclusion Insights series shares stories of communities around the world working toward inclusion of children with developmental delays and disabilities.
Past ECDtf initiatives have included a mapping project, a Zika task team, webinars related to COVID-19, and creation of resources for Ukrainian families, educators, medical professionals, and others experiencing trauma in the war.