Center for Learning in Practice Newsletters
Newsletters you may have missed from 2020-2021
These Learning in Practice Newsletters covering 2020-2021 include newsletter articles and project updates aimed mostly at educators meeting the educational challenges and unique needs of refugee students in displacement contexts.
- 12/14/2021 – CLiP Acquired by CE International
- 10/31/2021 – Newsletter #21 November 2021
Excerpt: The Refugee Educator Academy launches Refugee Educator Workforce Development Project for Quality Holistic Learning (QHL). Funded by an international philanthropic organization, the Center for Learning in Practice is leading a multi-stakeholder collaborative effort to develop a competency-based quality holistic learning (QHL) framework for teacher professional development in refugee and displacement contexts. We have worked with three incredible teams of Project Fellows in Kenya, Lebanon, and Niger thus far and are finalizing the learning materials and opportunities they have co-designed with our team focused on social and emotional learning (SEL) and psychosocial support (PSS), as well as on asset-based pedagogies. We will be looking to pilot test those materials in the forms of courses, handbooks, seminars and micro-credentials in the new year.
- 08/03/2021 – Newsletter #20 August 2021
Excerpt: Getting to know refugee students and their families – How can educators connect with refugee students and their families? Contributors to the Refugee Educator Academy from around the country share practical advice for engaging in meaningful and culturally relevant ways to promote learning, creativity, and community. Watch the video here.
- 04/29/2021 – Newsletter #19 April 2021
Excerpt: This morning the White House released Fact Sheet: The American Families Plan. This Biden-Harris Administration initiative features investments in education and preparation for teachers. “Few people can have a bigger impact on a child’s life than a great teacher. Unfortunately, the U.S. faces a large and growing teacher shortage.”
Excerpt: On behalf of the project partners- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Connected Learning in Crisis Consortium (CLCC), the Center for Learning in Practice, the project Lead Nikki James, Research Associate & Learning Scientist, Northeastern University, and the faculty leaders I am delighted to share MENA Higher Education Pedagogy, Technology and the Refugee Experience: Sustainable Learning Pathways to Teacher Digital Fluency. This landscape analysis reflects the work of faculty leadership teams in Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan who co-designed a survey and facilitated fifteen workshops, that engaged over 200 educators.
- 01/15/2021 – Highlights of 2020
Excerpt: We launch 2021 with our new, global Refugee Educator Workforce Development for Quality Holistic Learning project. I am also honored to have been selected to co-chair the new INEE Distance Education Reference Group with Leya Amonde Ouko, UNHCR Senegal, beginning in January.
- 11/02/2020 – Refugee Educator Academy Bulletin
- 10/27/2020 – MENA Higher Ed Faculty, Your Voice is Needed
- 09/25/2020 – CLiP Updates
- 09/25/2020 – MENA Region – Digital Pedagogies for Inclusive Teaching Project Update #2
- 09/09/2020 – MENA Region – Digital Pedagogies for Inclusive Teaching Project Update
- 07/02/2020 – MENA Region Higher Ed Digital Pedagogies – Informational Webinar on Monday
- 06/28/2020 – MENA Region Higher Education Digital Pedagogies – Important Update
- 06/23/2020 – Weekly Teaching and Learning Café – How to Engage Your Learners in Online Learning
- 06/19/2020 – CLiP Updates
- 06/12/2020 – A Collaborative Project for Designing Faculty Development in the MENA Region
- 06/09/2020 – Weekly Teaching and Learning Café – Technology Show & Tell
- 06/01/2020 – Refugee Educator Academy Updates & Opportunities
- 06/01/2020 – Weekly Teaching and Learning Café – Choosing Technology that Aligns with Your Pedagogy
- 05/26/2020 – Weekly Teaching and Learning Café – Using Data to inform Course Design