Asset-Based Pedagogies in Education in Displacement Settings

This open, self-paced course was designed by teachers for teachers, especially those working with refugee and vulnerable learners around the world. It is a continuation of the general Asset-Based Pedagogies course.

CPL Course


3-5 hours

This open, self-paced course was designed by teachers for teachers, especially those working with refugee and vulnerable learners around the world. It is intended to provide an overview of key terminology, concepts, and practices related to asset- or strength-based pedagogies. It is a continuation of the general Asset-Based Pedagogies course.

By the end of the course, you will:

● Have a working understanding of what asset-based pedagogies are and why they are important.

● Be able to identify ways in which asset-based pedagogies are particularly important in the education in displacement context.

● Apply asset-based pedagogies to your own work in displacement.

● Recognize the challenges of applying asset-based pedagogies in displacement and strategize on potential solutions.

● Assess your implementation of asset-based pedagogies.

● Engage in asset-based activities.

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