Center for Business Champions Resource Hub
Welcome to the Resource Hub of the Center for Business Champions (CBC). Here, you will find a curated selection of resources to support your efforts in advancing childhood development through business engagement. Whether you’re looking to make a compelling business case, understand the economic impacts, or explore actionable strategies, these resources offer valuable insights and guidance.
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Business Case
Corporate Support for ECD: A Holistic Framework
Businesses have a powerful role to play in shaping the future—one where young children thrive, families are supported, and communities grow stronger. Yet, corporate contributions to early childhood development (ECD) are often seen through a narrow lens, typically limited to philanthropy.
The Center for Business Champions (CBC) has developed a framework that broadens that view, illustrating the many ways businesses can be key partners in advancing ECD—not just as funders, but as changemakers, innovators, and advocates. The framework outlines six actionable pathways for business leaders and ECD experts to collaborate in meaningful ways and includes examples of businesses taking action in each area. By recognizing the diverse roles companies can play, we can build stronger partnerships that create lasting impact.
The Business Case for Investment in the Early Years
The Business Case for Investment in the Early Years
This resource from the Global Coalition for Education highlights the economic and social benefits of investing in early childhood development, making a strong case for businesses to support ECD initiatives.
Better Jobs and Brighter Futures: Investing in Childcare to Build Human Capital
Better Jobs and Brighter Futures: Investing in Childcare to Build Human Capital
In this resource from the World Bank, explore how investing in childcare can enhance human capital and boost economic growth, with a focus on job creation and workforce development.
Workforce of Today, Workforce of Tomorrow: The Business Case for High-Quality Childcare
Workforce of Today, Workforce of Tomorrow: The Business Case for High-Quality Childcare
This report form the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation demonstrates how high-quality childcare is crucial for building a strong future workforce, emphasizing its importance for businesses and the economy.
The Business Case for Child Care
The Business Case for Child Care
Focused on the U.S. context, this resource from Moms First outlines the benefits of investing in childcare from both an economic and social perspective, advocating for business involvement.
Economic Evidence
$122 Billion: The Growing, Annual Cost of the Infant-Toddler Child Care Crisis
$122 Billion: The Growing, Annual Cost of the Infant-Toddler Child Care Crisis
This report from ReadyNation quantifies the significant economic losses due to the lack of adequate childcare, stressing the urgency for business intervention.
Prioritizing Early Childhood for a Happier, Healthier Society
Prioritizing Early Childhood for a Happier, Healthier Society
This resource from the Business Taskforce on Early Childhood/The Royal Foundation of the Prince and Princess of Wales presents the case for prioritizing early childhood as a means to create a healthier and more prosperous society, backed by economic data.
The Childcare Dividend
The Childcare Dividend
This report from Economist Impact explores the economic benefits of closing the childcare access gap, providing a global perspective on the financial returns of investing in early childhood care.
A Smart Investment for a Smarter Australia: Economic analysis of universal early childhood education in the year before school in Australia
A Smart Investment for a Smarter Australia: Economic analysis of universal early childhood education in the year before school in Australia
This analysis from PwC/The Front Project details the economic advantages of providing universal early childhood education, specifically in the Australian context.
The Price of Inaction: the global private, fiscal and social costs of children and youth not learning
The Price of Inaction: the global private, fiscal and social costs of children and youth not learning
UNESCO’s report outlines the broad economic and social costs of failing to invest in children’s education, emphasizing the long-term global implications.
Business Actions
Early Childhood Guide for Businesses
Early Childhood Guide for Businesses
This guide from United Way Brasil offers practical advice for businesses on how to support early childhood initiatives, with a focus on corporate social responsibility and community impact.
Business Leader Actions to Support Early Childhood: A Global Imperative, A Local Opportunity
Business Leader Actions to Support Early Childhood: A Global Imperative, A Local Opportunity
In this report from ReadyNation International, discover key actions business leaders can take to support early childhood development, demonstrating the global importance and local impact of such initiatives.
Strengthening the Current and Future Workforce: European Business Leader Actions to Support Early Childhood Care and Education
Strengthening the Current and Future Workforce: European Business Leader Actions to Support Early Childhood Care and Education
This resource from ReadyNation International focuses on the actions European business leaders can take to enhance early childhood care and education, ensuring a robust future workforce.
Employer Roadmap: Child Care Solutions for Working Parents
Employer Roadmap: Child Care Solutions for Working Parents
This comprehensive roadmap from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation provides insights for employers looking to support working parents through effective childcare solutions, which enhances employee productivity and retention.
Framing & Messaging
Investing in Infants and Toddlers: Effective Messaging for Business Leaders
Investing in Infants and Toddlers: Effective Messaging for Business Leaders
This resource from ReadyNation provides strategies for communicating the importance of investing in early childhood to business leaders, focusing on effective messaging techniques.
Talking to Business Leaders About Early Childhood Development
Talking to Business Leaders About Early Childhood Development
This guide from Frameworks Institute provides essential support for framing discussions about early childhood development in a way that resonates with business leaders, helping to build support for early childhood initiatives.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) / Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
It’s time to integrate children’s issues in ESG frameworks
It’s time to integrate children’s issues in ESG frameworks
This article from ImpactAlpha argues for the inclusion of children’s issues in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) frameworks, offering insights on how businesses can integrate these considerations.
Tools for Investors for Integrating Children’s Rights into ESG Assessments
Tools for Investors for Integrating Children’s Rights into ESG Assessments
A toolkit from UNICEF is designed to help investors incorporate children’s rights into their ESG assessments, promoting responsible investment practices that benefit children.
Children’s Rights and Business Principles
Children’s Rights and Business Principles
This foundational document from UNICEF outlines the principles businesses should follow to respect and support children’s rights, offering a global perspective on corporate responsibility.
The Center for Business Champions
The Center for Business Champions (CBC) supports business executives and childhood development leaders around the world in building effective and lasting partnerships. By growing the number of businesses outside the early learning industry that act as “unexpected” champions supporting investment in children, we can boost the entire sector and build bright futures for all children.