Upcoming Webinar Series Focuses on Holistic Language Pedagogies

An upcoming webinar series will share insights into holistic language pedagogies from English language teaching (TESOL) faculty members from Ukraine. The series will feature presentations by TESOL faculty participants in the 2022-2023 U.S./Ukraine TESOL Exchange Professional Learning Project.
Over the past year, CE International’s Center for Professional Learning, with the support and participation of Hunter College, and the U.S. Department of State Regional Language Office, has been working to support the professional growth of English language faculty at pedagogical universities and other higher education institutions in Ukraine.
Ukrainian faculty members have engaged in a series of workshops, intensive exchange experiences (in-person and virtual), and collaborative activities in methodologies, teacher observation and feedback, and integration of social and emotional learning.
Together, faculty members have prepared a webinar series to share their learnings and professional experience with the wider English Language Teacher community. The webinars are free and open to the public and will be presented in English. To attend, register using the links below.
Technology & Holistic Learning in ELT
with Violetta Panchenko, Natalia Dmitrenko, Viktoriia Smelianska, Ostap Bodyk & Tetiana Konovalenko
Thursday, October 12, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Kyiv, Eastern European Time (11am-1pm Eastern)
SEL Integration in ELT Classrooms
with Nataliya Prokopchuk, Olena Hladka, Olha Bilyk, Antonina Devitska, Iryna Shkola, and Bohdana Saliuk
Saturday, October 14, 5-7pm Kyiv, Eastern European Time (10am-noon Eastern)
Well-being in ELT Teacher Prep Programs: Observation, Feedback, & Soft Skills Development
with Tetiana Kondratieva and Tetiana Korol
Wednesday, October 18, 5-7pm Kyiv, Eastern European Time (10am-noon Eastern)
Content & Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
with Nadiia Grytsyk, Inesa Melnyk, and Nina Khrystych
Saturday, October 21, 6-7:30pm Kyiv, Eastern European Time (11am-12:30pm Eastern)
Critical Thinking & Interactive Teaching for Professional Training of Pre-Service English Teachers
with Nataliia Safonova and Hanna Podosynnikova
Thursday, October 26, 7-8:30pm Kyiv, Eastern European Time (12-1:30pm Eastern)
Download a Flyer About the Series
For more information about the Center for Professional Learning’s projects in Ukraine, see here. If you have any questions regarding the projects or webinars, please contact Julie Kasper, Director of Teacher Learning & Leadership, at jkasper@ceinternational1892.org.
The webinars took place in October 2023 and were recorded.