Unlocking How Students Learn to Learn: Reshaping Instruction to Foster Learner Agency

Imagine a world where students communicate their interest in learning, ask for a say in the learning process, and act intentionally to explore and grapple with new ideas.
An article in the latest issue of Childhood Education: Innovations magazine explores how educators can foster learner agency to build this type of environment in their classrooms.
Learner agency is a set of skills, mindsets, and opportunities that enable learners to establish goals for themselves, take action toward those goals, ad reflect and adjust their learning behaviors as they monitor their progress. In environments where teachers and students prioritize learner agency, students actively engage in and take ownership of their learning.
Students with agency seek relevant learning experiences, connecting new ideas, academic knowledge, and personal experiences. They are comfortable reflecting on how their learning is developing, recognizing when it is still emerging, and selecting strategies they can use or resources they can review to connect new ideas to what they already know.
Learn more about learner agency and how educators can foster it in the latest issue of Childhood Education: Innovations magazine.
Subscribe to Childhood Education Innovations magazine to read the rest of this article and access other articles highlighting innovative solutions to education challenges from educators around the world.
Childhood Education Innovations is a magazine featuring articles that explore solutions to challenges affecting schools, teachers, and learners worldwide and showcases innovations to address those challenges.