Open Educational Resource Library Shares Professional Development Materials with Educators in Displacement Contexts

Teachers working in contexts of crisis and displacement have a critical need for access to professional development materials.
Childhood Education International’s Center for Professional Learning (CPL) is responding to this need by co-creating professional learning resources with educators who work with refugees in Kenya, Lebanon, Niger, and Chad. From the start, the project has prioritized teacher feedback and differentiating materials for each national context.
“Teachers, themselves, must be provided rich opportunities to learn and grow in collaborative webs and within supportive ecosystems they themselves are cultivating,” said Julie Kasper, Director of Teacher Learning and Leadership at CPL. “This is especially true in displacement, refugee, migration, and other low-resourced settings in which teachers, alongside their learners and those children’s families, are often marginalized.”
The resources are a part of an online Open Educational Resource Library of free professional development materials focused on social-emotional learning (SEL), psychosocial support (PSS), and asset-based pedagogies in Arabic, English, and French. It is part of CPL’s Quality Holistic Learning Project and is supported by Porticus’ All Eyes on Learning program.
Porticus recently shared an article about transforming education systems in contexts of displacement and featured the QHL Project’s work.