Education Diplomat and CE International’s Country Liaison for Mauritius
Mahendranath Busgopaul is the Secretary-General of Halley Movement and the founder of Internet Child Safety Foundation. He is also a trainer and researcher and has implemented various community-based programs in the African region, including Helpline Mauritius, the first free online counseling service for children and young adults in Mauritius. He also serves as a Country Liaison for Childhood Education International and has participated in several Education Diplomacy events, including the 2017 Institute of the Center for Education Diplomacy. As the leader of Halley Movement, Mahendranath presented on “Sexual Exploitation of Children in Mauritius” during the United Nations Human Rights Council held in Geneva in October 2018. The UN Human Rights Council ultimately followed up on several of Halley Movement’s recommendations, including taking action on child protection and adopting a new children’s bill.