Launch of the Compact on Domestic Financing for Education and What You Can Do!

On the 2nd of November 2017, the Compact on Domestic Financing for Education was launched by the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) and other civil society organizations, including the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI). The compact was developed to encourage developing nations to take the lead on shaping their future which could only be achieved through greater domestic investment in education. It was also created to mobilize governments and civil society organizations to secure increased financial commitments ahead of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) replenishment pledging conference that will take place in Dakar, Senegal on 2 February 2018.
Read the Compact on Domestic Financing for Education.
1. Through the adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, Heads of State around the world made a commitment to achieve inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all (SDG 4) by 2030.
2. To achieve SDG 4 by 2030, low- and lower-middle- income countries will require a total of US $340 billion a year in addition to the amount that is currently invested in those nations. This is a huge financing gap.
3. Filling the education financing gap requires:
Increased domestic investment
Increased bilateral and multilateral aid contributions
Global action on tax reform and justice
4. The GPE replenishment pledging conference in Dakar will be a pivotal opportunity to secure a financing breakthrough for education worldwide.
1. Understand the education financing crisis by reading the Compact on Domestic Financing for Education and familiarizing yourself with the resources below.*
2. Use the resources from GCE’s Fund the Future campaign to press your government for ambitious new pledges towards financing quality, inclusive, equitable, and free public education for all.
3. Sustain momentum on campaigning for greater investment in education before the GPE financing conference takes place in Dakar on 2 February, 2018.
*For More Information on Financing for Education
The Learning Generation: Investing in Education for a Changing World
2017/2018 Global Education Monitoring Report, Accountability in Education: Meeting our Commitments