INEE’s Indicator Framework spurs professional development for educators in emergencies

On March 3, 2021, the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) released the INEE Minimum Standards Indicator Framework. The Indicator Framework is designed to be a practical extension of the widely referenced INEE Minimum Standards for use in crisis response, originally published in 2010.
The Indicator Framework, which is currently in a pilot phase, is designed to be a professional development aid to educators and education systems around the world. Currently, INEE is working with 5-6 organizations around the world to apply the indicators, which track various measures of emergency preparedness, to the organizations’ specific contexts and needs. After the initial pilot phase, the INEE will adjust the indicator framework as necessary to suit the widest range of education contexts globally.
The Indicator Framework will amplify utilization and practical application of the seminal INEE Minimum Standards. The Minimum Standards serve as a guide for enhancing the quality of educational preparedness, response, and recovery, increasing access to safe and relevant learning opportunities and ensuring accountability in providing these services.
The indicators are not compulsory, but rather are examples of how education systems and projects can demonstrate how the INEE Minimum Standards are being used within their contexts. The INEE’s Indicator Framework is not meant to replace any existing sets of indicators already being used by education organizations, such as those used by Education Cannot Wait (ECW), European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), the Global Education Cluster, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), UNESCO, Teachers in Crisis Contexts, but does propose new indicators where there are gaps.
Organizations, school systems, or any education stakeholder determined to implement the standards for emergency preparedness are encouraged to contact the INEE to participate in the pilot process. Interested parties can contact the INEE at The Indicator Framework is currently available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Arabic.
INEE Minimum Standards Indicator Framework:
INEE Minimum Standards: