Center for Business Champions Will Host Side Event Focused on Business-ECD Partnerships

The Center for Business Champions at Childhood Education International is pleased to announce that we will host a dynamic side event program that aligns with the Summit of the Future during the United Nations General Assembly. Please join us September 16, 2024, in person or virtually.
The event will showcase the pivotal role of the private sector in building a more sustainable world for a thriving future workforce. A panel of leaders from the business and ECD sectors will highlight real-world examples of effective partnerships that are advancing child wellbeing and ensuring that children’s education, healthcare, and protection build a skilled, productive workforce, now and in the future.
Attendees will walk away with practical advice on how to design, start, and sustain a network of business-ECD champions in any country, shared by an expert who has created such a network and helped other leaders do so.
Date: 16 September 2024
Time: 9:30am-12:30pm Eastern Time (New York)
9:30-10am – Coffee & Networking
10am-12pm – Panel Discussion
12-12:30pm – Conversation with the CBC
Format: Hybrid (In-Person and Virtual)
In-Person Location:
Scandinavia House
Volvo Hall, 2nd Floor
58 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Map Location
Distance from UNHQ: 0.7 miles (~17 min walk)
This Side Event will feature a hybrid format, allowing both in-person and virtual participation and ensuring global accessibility for a diverse audience of stakeholders.
Learn more and register to attend in-person or virtually with the button below.