Noshin Khan has been working in the field of early childhood education (ECE) for the past 18 years. She has a master of arts degree in early childhood studies and a bachelor of arts in ECE from Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. A registered member of the Ontario College of Early Childhood Educators, Noshin has taught early childhood educators in the diploma program at Sheridan College Toronto and undergraduate ECE students at Ryerson University for several years. She also has worked at Teachers’ Resource Centre (TRC), an NGO based in Karachi, Pakistan, for three years. At TRC, she trained ECE teachers from both private and public sector schools and led several donor-funded initiatives related to professional development of early childhood and primary years teachers. Additionally, Noshin headed TRC’s one-year ECE training program for teachers working with children between the ages of 2 1/2 to 8. She has presented at several international conferences, such as the Global Summit on Childhood and the Comparative and International Education Society. She has represented Pakistan at international forums that have prioritized ECE. Noshin is involved with the Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN) and is a member of its taskforce working on supporting efforts to invest in and build capacity of the early childhood development workforce to deliver quality services to children from birth through school entry. She was part of a team selected by the World Health Organization (WHO) to develop global guidelines for physical activity, sedentary behavior, and screen time for children age 0-5 years. She has also presented on ECE at international conferences in Pakistan. Currently, Noshin is running an institute, training early childhood educators and preschool and primary teachers.