New Ideas Transforming Education
Childhood Education International’s Innovation Exchange focuses on new ideas and ways of thinking about children’s education to provide transformative solutions that meet the needs and challenges of our world. Innovation is about more than just technology, it includes emerging trends and ideas in curriculum approaches, assessment improvements, teaching strategies, education financing, school design, technology, education policies, school management and leadership, and professional development.
“Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.”
— William Pollard
Childhood Education International is committed to being an educator’s primary resource for exploring ground breaking and pioneering initiatives and ideas in education. Across the globe, educators and researchers are finding new and creative solutions to common education challenges. Through our website and publications we are connecting people and sharing innovative practices from around the globe. By sharing innovative ideas in education from nations around the world, we can design an education experience that better serves all children.