CE International Celebrates World Autism Awareness Day
Today we celebrate World Autism Awareness Day, a day designated by the United Nations to celebrate the strengths and differences of people with autism.
Autism is a condition related to brain development that impacts how a person perceives and socializes with others. It is a spectrum, meaning that each child with autism may have different strengths and challenges. Worldwide, about 1 in 100 children has autism.
On World Autism Awareness Day, Childhood Education International celebrates the contributions of autistic people around the world and emphasizes our continuing commitment to working to dismantle discrimination and exclusion toward people with autism.
We believe in the importance of inclusive education, including neuro-inclusion and the celebration of neurodiversity. We are working with educators and education systems to move away from a “deficit model” to one of inclusion and celebration of each individual’s contributions, needs, and abilities.
We also believe in the importance of early identification and access to early intervention to support young children’s optimal development and growth.
This World Autism Awareness Day, there are a number of events happening around the world. We encourage you to join these and other events:
- United Nations: Transformation: Toward a Neuro-Inclusive World for All, 2 April 2023, 10am-1pm EST
- Global Campaign for Education: Round Table Discussion – World Autism Day, 6 April 2023 – 2:30pm Pretoria / 12:30pm GMT