Happy New Year from Diane Whitehead, ACEI Executive Director

Happy New Year to everyone in our global community and all our other friends who work on children’s education issues worldwide! 2018 was an extraordinarily busy year at ACEI and within many areas of children’s education. If you are not a member of our community already, we invite you to join our Global Friends program so you can continue to receive timely education information and news from us throughout 2019!
In 2018 at ACEI, we continued to find ways to inform, inspire, and motivate you to take action for children’s education. We created new programming and shared global news and information that we hope has had a positive impact on advancing and transforming education. We were particularly proud this year to have released the first ever International Code of Ethics for Educators. We hope you will review the Code and use it to emphasize just how important teachers are in shaping peaceful, productive, and sustainable societies. We also launched our first Breakthroughs virtual conference, which explored innovations in education from around the world.
We have more exciting programs coming your way in 2019, along with organizational advances that we hope you will engage with and support. Watch for our new website, which will be available in the next few weeks, where we will showcase all of ACEI’s work.
Since this has been such a momentous year in education, I have compiled a list of exciting happenings that I feel were particularly significant milestones for 2018—the year in review. We hope this list of activities and actions will provide inspiration and guidance for the work we will be continuing together in 2019 and beyond!
Again, Happy New Year and best wishes,
Diane W