*Course is hosted on learning.careyinstitute.org and requires the user to create a free profile to take course*
Course Topics:
The impact of trauma on children’s physical, cognitive, and emotional development
Holistic child development as it relates to well-being
Changes in child brain development
The importance of safe and secure learning environments
Teaching strategies that address a child’s holistic well-being.
Early childhood is a critical stage of development and lays the foundation for life. Children experience tremendous brain development between birth and 8 years old. At this age they take in new information that is critical to the formation of active neural pathways. The people and environments that surround children are highly influential at this point in their development. As a result, it is critical that they feel safe and supported in order to grow and thrive. Children of all abilities can only develop optimally if their social, emotional, and educational needs are met. Commitment to such healthy development is the focus of our Health and Well-Being Practice Area.
Over the course of 4-5 hours, course participants will gain a critically valuable understanding of the impact trauma has on a young child’s development. Participants will also learn teaching strategies that address a child’s complete physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being.
Este minicurso ha sido diseñado específicamente para apoyar a los líderes en las escuelas y los programas de educación y cuidado infantil. El minicurso también puede ayudar a las autoridades educativas locales y nacionales a planificar una reapertura más amplia de escuelas y programas.
Todos son bienvenidos a participar en este curso, pero puede ser particularmente útil para los líderes educativos: líderes escolares, directores de programas para la primera infancia, líderes de ONG, directores de escuela y otras personas que desempeñan otras funciones clave para mantener a los niños seguros y saludables, escuelas limpias, y entornos propicios para el aprendizaje.
Información del curso
El objetivo de este minicurso es brindar orientación a los líderes de programas de educación y cuidado infantil y de la escuela primaria sobre la reapertura de entornos educativos seguros y enriquecedores después de una crisis.
Este curso es un curso en línea gratuito, tomado a su propio ritmo. Se puede registrar y comenzar este curso en cualquier momento. En promedio, este curso dura entre 3 y 5 horas en completarse y se puede completar en varias sesiones. No hay inicio de sesión para el curso. Una vez que se registre, puede comenzar el curso de inmediato.
Se debe completar una breve encuesta al final del curso. Los certificados están disponibles a pedido.
A través de este curso podrás:
Comprender la importancia del bienestar personal para ser un líder eficaz en tiempos de crisis.
Explorar cómo apoyar a los niños, maestros, y personal mientras se reintegran en un ambiente escolar acogedor después de un cierre estresante y emocional.
Aprenda estrategias para comunicarse con los padres y prepararlos a ellos y a sus hijos para la reapertura de su escuela o programa.
Identificar políticas y procedimientos importantes que se deben implementar antes de la reapertura de una escuela para garantizar un ambiente seguro y saludable para todos.
Apoyar un proceso integral de planificación de la educación y la salud mientras se llevan a cabo los preparativos para la reapertura.
Para soporte técnico, envíe un correo electrónico a support@ceinternational1892.org
The COVID-19 pandemic has touched every part of the globe and has caused disruption in education on a level never seen before. It is estimated that 89% of the student population and nearly 63 million primary and secondary school teachers are out of school.
During a crisis, we need to rely on skills that help us to better understand the situation, our priorities, and each other. Education Diplomacy, a concept developed by Childhood Education International, can be a helpful approach to use at all times, as it encourages working together to resolve education challenges; it can be a particularly helpful and relevant approach to use during unsettled times.
Who Should Take This Course?
This mini-course that has been designed specifically to support the ability of individuals, schools, NGOs, and other organizations to work together to resolve challenges being faced in education during the COVID-19 crisis.
Although all are welcome to engage in this course, it may be particularly helpful for education leaders—school leaders, early childhood program directors, NGO leaders, head teachers, and others who are supporting teams as they adjust to and find ways to work together during a crisis event.
Course Information
This course is a free online, self-paced course. Throughout the course, you will be introduced to key concepts, skills, and reflection questions to help you during this critical time.
You can register and begin this course at any time. On average, this course takes between 3-5 hours to complete and can be completed over multiple sessions. A brief evaluation must be completed at the end of the course. Certificates are available by request.
This mini-course has been designed specifically to support leaders in schools and early care and education programs. The mini-course can also assist local and national education authorities to plan for the broader reopening of schools and programs.
All are welcome to engage in this course, but it may be particularly helpful for education leaders—school leaders, early childhood program directors, NGO leaders, head teachers, and others who serve in other key roles to keep children safe and healthy, schools clean, and environments suitable for learning.
Course Information
The goal of this mini-course is to provide guidance to primary school and early care and education program leaders on reopening safe and nurturing education environments after a crisis.
This course is a free online, self-paced course. You can register and begin this course at any time. There are no learning prerequisites required in order to complete this course. On average, this course takes between 3-5 hours to complete and can be completed over multiple sessions. There is no login for the course. Once you register, you can begin the course right away.
A brief survey must be completed at the end of the course. Certificates of completion are available by request.
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
Describe the importance of personal well-being to support your effectiveness as a leader during times of crisis.
Demonstrate how to support children, teachers, and staff as they re-integrate into a welcoming school environment after a stressful and emotional closure.
Describe how to communicate with parents to prepare them and their children for the reopening of their school or program.
Identify important policies and procedures that will need consideration prior to school reopening in order to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all.
For questions or technical support, email support@ceinternational1892.org
Building Business Partnerships to Strengthen Our Future through Early Childhood Development
Join us online or in person on September 16, 2024, for a dynamic side event program aligned with the Summit of the Future during the United Nations General Assembly.
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