James Monxhwdey
My name is James Monxhwedey. I am from Liberia. I have been living in the US since 1991 after I fled the civil war in my country. I taught in the New York City Public School System before relocating to the District of Columbia. I am a paraprofessional in DC Public Schools. My background is in secondary special education.
Since 2016, I have been managing a nonprofit, Gbawin Literacy Project (GLPC), that promotes literacy in a village school in one of the remote areas of Liberia. Through the generous efforts of our donors and supporters, we carry out supply distribution, literacy activities, and PD for students and teachers at the school. There are more than 250 girls and boys at the school with only 9 teachers, out of which only 4 are trained. These are students and teachers who lack every school supply you can think about, including text books, pencils, pens, composition notebooks, chalk and blackboards. Our nonprofit aims at giving these less fortunate children literacy opportunities to make better futures for themselves and their community.