OER & Course Topic: Child Protection

Благополуччя та Захист Дітей

Handmade dolls

Цей 6-годинний курс присвячений потребам і правам дітей, безпечним навчальним просторам і позитивній дисципліні. В цьому курсі можна знайти підказки та рекомендації як опанувати стрес та труднощі у взаємодії з дітьми.

Child Well-Being and Protection

A hand holds a butterfly

*This is a CPL course. To take the course, you will be required to create an account on learning.careyinistute.org once you click “Enroll.”

The content for this course is adapted from the TiCC Training Pack for Teachers in Crisis Contexts and was modified for online learning in collaboration with JRS staff as part of their Teacher Formation Programme. We are thankful to these organizations for making this content open and available for use across crisis, emergency, and displacement contexts.

The course is entirely self-paced and is offered free, without facilitation. If you are interested in a facilitated version of this course for your professional development program, please contact our Refugee Educator Academy Program Manager, Julie Kasper, at the Center for Professional Learning at jkasper@ceinternational1892.org.

2 min 26 sec of video
7 supplemental resources
Certificate of completion