The newest issue of the Journal of Research in Childhood Education features education research from around the world focused on topics such as communication, gender, bullying, and more.

The Journal of Research in Childhood Education (JRCE) presents education research on a wide range of ideas, including theory articles and studies on all scales. From empirical research projects to small-case studies carried out in naturalistic settings, such as schools and community centers, articles track data across cultures and study research design. Published 4 times a year, JRCE keeps teacher educators informed about best practices for advancing education and learning.

Articles can be accessed by paying a download fee for single articles or by subscribing.

About Childhood Education International

CE International works in partnership to co-create innovative solutions to education challenges and build bright futures for all children.

CE International designs and co-develops inclusive, equitable, and holistic approaches for children’s development and learning through teacher professional development and capacity-building for organizations and key stakeholders.

CE International’s priority areas include ECD; inclusive education; education during migration, displacement, and emergencies; education for sustainable development; and child rights.

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